Page (web only) - a customizable home page
Feed - a collection of feed posts from both the community feed and the group feeds
My Activity Section (web only) - a list of content a user has engaged with (my events, my forms, my groups, etc.)
My Activity Dropdown - a dropdown version of the My Activity Section
Group of Menus - a customizable dropdown to host other widgets
Menu Section - a simple way to separate content
People - a list of users in the directory
Deep Link - a URL that opens a specific page in another app (requires an app update to work)
Checklists - redirect users to a specific checklist
Surveys & Forms - redirect users to a specific form
Custom List - provide information in a list format, such as an FAQ or To Do list
Switch Hub - an easy way to switch between hubs if you are using multiple hubs
Agenda - a full event schedule set by the event coordinator
Includes My
Events - list of events
user is registered to
Track - a filtered view of events for a specific cohort or pathway of users
Information Booth - start a chat with the event coordinators