Provide Emergency Contact Information in Campus Guide
Now that you have set up your access to the Campus Cloud and are working on customizing the Campus Guide. You can select a campus service to use as an Emergency Contact in the campus app. Emergency contacts appear at the top of the campus guide: students can access them by tapping the emergency contacts icon ().
Access to Campus Cloud Studio is controlled by roles and permissions. Likewise for Emergency Contacts. For more information, see Roles & Permissions below.
Things to keep in mind
You can select a single campus service to use as emergency contacts
Each app experience has different emergency contacts
Choose Emergency Contacts
To add emergency contact information to the campus guide, here are the steps.
Click Studio, then click App Experiences
Find the app experience you want to add emergency contact information to, then click Edit
Under Emergency Contacts, click Add Contact and choose a service from the list
Click Save
Campus Cloud updates the list of emergency contacts for that app experience. Repeat these steps for each app experience you want to update.
Please note that the Emergency Contact Information customization is available only for app versions 2021.02.0200 and above.
To know more about upcoming releases and features on the Campus Cloud, visit What's New!
For more information
For more information about App Experiences, see:
To create a new campus service, see Create a Service.
Roles and Permissions
To use Studio to edit an app experience and add emergency contacts, roles, and permissions need to be configured as follows:
You need the Studio's permission, AND
You need the All Services permission
For more information: