Case Status

Case Status

Manage COVID-19 on campus with the use of Case Statuses. You can create a Case for each user on campus, assign a status to their Case, and take action on their Case in response to its status. As part of customizing this workflow, you can create your Case statuses to assign to users. 

Figure 1. Create a Case Status

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** Contact your Campus Success Consultant to enable Contact Trace Plus: cs@readyeducation.com


Create a Case Status

To create a new Case Status, here are the steps:

  • Click Campus Settings in the user menu (your name, top right corner)

  • Click Health & Wellness

  • Click New Status

  • Type a name for the Case Status and choose a colour

  • Assign a Campus Pass to the Case Status

  • Choose a Case Action (see Case Actions below)

  • If desired, set up Pass Expiry (see Pass Expiry below)

Figure 2. Create a New Case Status


Customize a Case Status

To customize a Case Status, here are the steps:

  • Click your name (top right), then click Campus Settings 

  • Click Health and Wellness 

  • Click the “pencil” icon next to a Case Status to customize its title, content, icon, and colour

  • You can also set options for Pass Expiry (see Pass Expiry below)

  • When finished, click Save

Figure 3. Customize a Case Status


Types of Case Status

On-Campus Cloud has two types of case status: default and custom. 

There are five default case statuses:

  • Clear indicating "You are cleared of COVID-19."

  • Exposed indicating "You are exposed to COVID-19."

  • Symptomatic indicating "You are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19."

  • Self-Reported indicating "You have self-reported for COVID-19."

  • Confirmed indicating "You are confirmed of COVID-19."

You can also create your custom case statuses to match your workflow. 

Assign a Case Status to a User’s Case

There are two ways to use your new case status: 

  • Assign the new Case Status to users manually, using Edit Case
    To Assign a Case Status Manually, here are the steps: 


      • Click Manage, then under Health & Wellness, click Cases

      • Find the Case you are looking for in the list, and click its name

      • Click Edit

      • In the Status menu, choose the desired Case Status from the list

      • Click Save

  • Use the Case Status as part of a form that automatically applies to users based on their responses. 

Case Actions

Case status can be updated automatically when a student completes a form (see Connect Form Results Blocks to Campus Pass). Alternatively, an administrator can manually change the status of a case.

To take action on a Case, ensure you have access to edit a Case Status under the Campus Settings on Campus Cloud. 
You can send a message to app users from Action by clicking on "Send Instructions."
Here are the steps: 

  • Click Manage, then under Health & Wellness, click Cases

  • Find the Case you are looking for in the list, and click its name

  • Click Send Instructions next to Action to send an app notification to the user

Figure 4. Case Action


**Note: You cannot edit Case Actions for Default Case Stauses.

Order of Case Statuses

The order of case statuses is important. It matters which case statuses are at the top of the list and which are at the bottom. Moving up through the case statuses are called escalating; moving down is called de-escalating.

A case can be escalated automatically. For example, if a user has a clear case status but fills out a form indicating they are high-risk, their case status can automatically escalate from low to high.

But the opposite is not valid. If a user has a high-risk case status and fills out a form indicating they are low-risk, their case status will not de-escalate automatically. The only way to de-escalate a user’s case status is for an administrator to do this manually. 

Escalating versus De-escalating

Escalating a Case means moving it from a low-risk Case Status to a high-risk status. De-escalating means moving it from high-risk to low-risk. For more information, see Order of Case Statuses.

You can automatically escalate a Case-based on a user’s responses to forms. However, you must de-escalate a Case manually. This prevents users from trying to gain access to campus by re-submitting a form and answering different questions. Even if users give low-risk answers, their Case Status will not de-escalate. An administrator must de-escalate them manually, following the “Manually Assign a Case Status” steps above.

Figure 5. Escalation Versus De-escalation


Pass Expiry

Pass Expiry lets you change what Campus Pass a student receives based on their latest COVID test date. 

When Pass Expiry is turned on for a Case Status, students with that case status can receive either of two campus passes based on their Latest Test Date. If a student's Latest Test Date is too far in the past, you can issue a different campus pass, restricting their movements or otherwise prompting them to take action. Once the student has submitted a new Latest Test Date, their Campus Pass will change to its previous value. 

To use Pass Expiry to change a student's campus pass based on the Latest Test Date, here are the steps:

  • View Campus Settings, then click Health & Wellness

  • Edit a Case Status, or create a new one

  • Turn Pass Expiry on using the slider switch 

  • Provide a value for Days Since Latest Test

  • Choose a Re-assigned Campus Pass. This is the campus pass a student will see if more days go by than specified above.

  • Save your changes

Repeat the above steps for each Case Status you wish to use with Pass Expiry.

Campus Cloud automatically determines which campus pass a student should receive based on their Latest Test Date and the values you provide in Pass Expiry. If you set a campus pass to expire at 11:59 on the day of issue, this will also apply to a re-assigned campus pass. 

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