Getting Started with Community Auto-Responses

Getting Started with Community Auto-Responses

Students post to channels in their Campus App in order to ask questions and connect with peers, staff, and others. Monitoring those messages can be time-consuming for Administrators. Auto-Responses is an automated way to display pre-written messages so they appear instantly in response to a post or comment based on its keywords.

These automated workflows allow you to post helpful information, answers to common questions, and relevant guidance so students see it the moment they need it.

Another way to automate this work is to create Keyword Alerts, which trigger an email to an Administrator when certain keywords are mentioned.

Auto-Responses is part of the Interventions+ solution. Requires a minimum app version of 2023.08.2800.

Permissions and access

To use this feature fully, your Campus Cloud account needs both the Workflows and Community Manager permissions. See more information about Team Member Permissions.

How does it work?

Auto-Responses are created and managed within the Workflow interface. Read step-by-step instructions for creating Auto-Response sequences.

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