Health Screening Forms

Health Screening Forms

As part of your safe reopening plan, you can use templates to create a form to gather student health information easily.
You can put a form directly into the campus mobile app, where it is easy for students to interact. By using the campus app to answer the form’s questions, students can provide the information they need to manage COVID-19 and safely reopen. 

You can choose a screening form to be authenticated, so a user who has access to their email will be able to enter the access code, authenticate themselves, and enter their health details.

This article focuses on:

  1. Create a Form

  2. Edit a Form

  3. Form Block Types

  4. Form Block Logic

  5. Share a Form

  6. Send a Daily App Reminder to Complete a Form

  7. Authenticate a Form

  8. View Forms Data

  9. Roles and Permissions

Create a Form

Campus Cloud includes templates based on Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines

  • Daily Pre-Screening. Students can answer the pre-screening form every day before coming to the campus. This form can give a daily Campus Pass to students who are cleared to come to campus. If a student is not cleared, the form includes instructions for what to do next. 

  • Self-Reporting. This simple form allows students to directly report the results of a COVID-19 test to campus. It is also connected to the student Campus Pass. 

  • Symptom Tracker. This form prompts students to record their symptoms. This allows students to see if they have key COVID-19 symptoms. This information is also available to school administrators (in an anonymized form).

  • Testing. Use this form to gather information about students’ COVID-19 Tests and Test dates.

  • Vaccination. Use this form to gather information about who has been vaccinated and when.

The campus app saves a student’s answers to each of these forms. This information is available in the campus app, in the Health & Wellness module. This information is also available to school administrators (in an anonymized form).

To create a form from a template:

  • Click Manage, then under Health and Wellness, click Forms

  • Click “Create Forms

  • Type a name for your form, and select from one of the five templates

Figure 1. Create a Form

If you want to adapt the form to suit your needs, you can edit the form. For more information, see Edit a Form.

  • If you want to save and come back later, click “Save as Draft

  • Once you are done setting your form you can click “Publish

Your form is now published and is available to the general public. You can share the form for others to enter information and send you the results. You can share using the campus app, or over the internet as a link. For more information, see Share a form.

Edit a Form

As a campus health provider, you can edit a form to change, add and remove questions if it’s a draft or is published without any responses. If your form has been published and has any responses to it, you can no longer edit it.

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Edit a published form with no response

If you have created a form and published it and it has no responses, here is how you can edit it. To edit a published form, you must first un-publish it: 

  • Click Manage, then under Health and Wellness, click Forms

  • Find the form in the list 

  • Click “...” next to the form name and choose “Unpublish

  • Click “...” next to the form name and choose “Edit

  • Edit the form

  • Click “Publish"


Figure 2. Edit a Form

Note: For reasons of data integrity, you cannot edit a form once you have recorded answers from students. 

If you have published a form and recorded answers from students, you cannot edit it. You need to create a new form and unpublish the old one:

Duplicate a form

  • Log in to Campus Cloud and click Manage

  • Under Health and Wellness click on Forms

  • Find the form you are trying to duplicate in the list of forms

  • Click “...” next to the form name and choose “Duplicate

  • Click “...” next to the Duplicated form name and choose “Edit

  • Edit the questions in the duplicated form and click “Publish

  • Click “...” next to the old form name and choose “Unpublish

Edit an unpublished form

To edit an unpublished (draft) form, here are the steps:

  • Log in to Campus Cloud and click Manage

  • Under Health and Wellness click on Forms

  • Find your form in the list of Forms

  • Edit the message or image in the welcome block

  • Edit questions on the form for students to fill in. For more information, see “Forms and Form Blocks” 

  • Click Delete to delete a question*

  • Click “Publish

You can also start from a form template, then tailor that form to meet your specific needs. Then, you can publish and share your form.

For more information, see:  

Form Block Types

Forms are made up of different types of form blocks:

  • One welcome block

  • Followed by as many question blocks as you like

  • Lastly, one or more results blocks, each with a label

The welcome block is the first thing the students see when they open a form. You can add an image, a title, and text to the welcome block.

Question blocks display a question and record a student's answer. Question blocks are displayed one after another in the campus app. You can add an image to a question block and you can supply text to provide a hint to the user. You can set a question as “Required” so students must answer that question to proceed. 

Question blocks can prompt the user to enter text or numbers (integers or decimals). Or, you can prompt the user to choose from a list of options (multiple-choice), or select multiple items from a list (multiple selections).* You can also create Yes/No questions. 

Lastly, a form has one or more results blocks. After answering the questions in your form, students will land on one of the results blocks. In the app, this appears as a concluding page. You can customize the text of each result block to display different results in the app.

Each result block has a label. This label lets you sort group students based on their responses to forms. 

* Note: there is a maximum of 15 options for multiple-choice or multiple-select questions. 

Form Block Logic

When creating a form from scratch, you can add logic to the form blocks for Question and Result. You can perform logic and jump from one form block to another, bypassing certain questions and ultimately leading to a specific form result.

The types of questions are:

  • Text

  • Numbers (numbers and decimals)

  • Questions (multiple choice, multiple selection and yes/no)

You can perform the following logic operations on question blocks:

  • For text, you can compare words

  • For numbers, you can use mathematical operators such as less than, greater than, equal to, greater than but not equal to, and lesser than but not equal to

  • For questions, you can perform logic based on the selected answer 

To create logic for question or result block:

  • Create a Form and add a question

  • [Optional] Add an image

  • Select the question type from the following list: text, number, decimal, multiple-choice, multiple selections or yes/no

  • For text, number, and decimal the logic allows the student to skip questions if a condition is met. 

  • For Results blocks, you can use Logic to associate a particular form result to a Case Status.

You might want to view the logic flow of the forms you create. A best practice is to create a form, save as draft, review it, and then publish it. Once a form is published you can no longer see the questions and logic. To see the logic of published forms, you would need to complete the form itself and see all the paths.

Share a Form

After you have created and published a Contact Trace form you need to share it in order to collect results. Use Campus Cloud Studio to share the form in the campus guide or, you can use a web address (URL) to send the form.

The campus app uses “Experiences” -- for example, Students, Alumni, and Visitors -- to show different information to different people. If you want a form to be available to those different groups, be sure to add your form to each experience where you want to share. Adding the form to each app experience lets you capture information from everyone who might visit campus for any reason. 


You can share your form with alumni and students directly in the app, but you can only share with visitors using a web link. Visitors access the form through a web link that takes them to the same form, in an external browser.  Also, Alumni experiences may not always be “log in” enabled.

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To share a form, here are the steps to take:  

  • First, create and publish your form. (For details, see “More Information” below)

  • Publishing your form takes you directly to the “Share form” page. Or, you can find a form in the list, and click “Share” 

Share the form with the Student, Alumni, or Visitor experiences:

  • Log in to Campus Cloud and click “Studio

  • Find your experience in the list, then click "Customize"

  • Scroll down to the section where you want to add the tile, then click "+ Add"

  • Type a name for your tile, choose a color, and upload an image

  • Select Resource from the Content menu

  • Select Form as the Resource type

  • Choose your form from the list

  • Save your changes. 

The new tile appears in the campus guide for the experience you have selected. Tapping the tile opens the form within the app.

For Visitor, experience Paste the shareable link and save the tile.

The tile appears in the visitor experience of the campus guide. Tapping the tile opens the shared form in a browser. The link opens either in the app or in an external browser, depending on your choice. 

Share a form on the internet

A form has a public web address that anyone can access with an internet connection. You can send the link in an email or a text message. The person receiving the link can view it in a web browser, answer the questions and send you the response. Here are the steps: 

  • Log in to Campus Cloud and click Contact Trace. Then click Forms

  • Find your form in the list of Forms and click Share

  • Next to “Capture responses through the web,” click Share

Campus Cloud copies the shareable link to the clipboard, where you can paste it into an email or any text-based document. You can send the link to anyone you want to complete the form.

Send a Daily App Reminder to Complete a Form

As a Campus Cloud administrator you can create a form and set daily reminders to notify students they need to fill it before coming to campus. 

To set up a daily reminder, follow these steps:

  • Click Manage, then under Health and Wellness, click Forms

  • Find your form in the list of Forms and click “Share

  • In the “Notification” section, turn the Daily Reminder On

Figure 3. Daily App Reminder

The reminder for a form is sent at 7:00 AM in your school’s timezone, Monday to Friday. Students receive the notification in the Notifications Center of the campus app, where they can respond and answer your form.

Authenticate a Form

As a Campus Cloud administrator, you can choose a Contact Trace form to be authenticated. Authenticated forms ensure added security and data integrity for our partner schools. In simple terms, authenticated forms mean that a user who is not logged into the app verifies that they say who they are before filling out a form.

How can you add authentication to forms?

  • After the form has been saved, click on 'Publish'

  • On the next screen, you can share the form and toggle the 'Require authentication' bar 

  • Once the Require authentication toggle is ON, the forms now need an access key to enter information.

Figure 4. Access Key in Forms

  • Users do not need to enter the access key every time they fill a form, they can click on 'Remember Me' setting after entering the key the first time.

  • If a user loses the access key, they can create a new one by clicking on 'Get an access key' again.

Note: The authentication to forms is only for users using the web version for the form. For app users, as they are logged into the mobile app, they are already authenticated. App users will not see any changes to how forms work in the app.

View Forms Data

As a Campus Cloud administrator, you can view the interactions of students with different forms and get an overview of the form results from the dashboard.

To view the Forms Data, follow these steps:

  • Click Manage, then under Health and Wellness, click Forms

On the Forms Dashboard, you can preview the following:

  • Form Name

  • Daily Unique Views

  • Completion Rate

  • Daily Results

Click the Results button to see a more detailed view of the results for a particular form. When viewing results for a form, you can: 

  • Select a particular form question to view responses for that answer only

  • Choose a date range to view only results between the two dates

  • Click All Responses to filter users based on their responses to the form

  • Click All Students to filter users based on their app experience, or select a particular audience (list of users)

Roles and Permissions

As a Campus Cloud Administrator and HealthCare Admin, you can invite your colleagues to the Campus Cloud to administer the Contact Trace Plus for your college. You can give access to others to create, edit and share forms, generate and download QR codes of forms and download the Forms Data. For more information see Team Permission for Contact Trace Plus.

To invite a team member, please follow these steps:

  • Click your name (top right), then click Team Settings

  • Click Create New Team Member

  • Type the person’s name and email address

  • Set permissions for different features within Contact Trace. You can select one of several:

    • No Access

    • QR Codes

    • Forms

    • Cases

    • Notifications

    • Dashboard

  • Click Send Invite

Should you have any questions, please contact us.


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