Add Ready Education as Admin in Apple Developer Account

Once you have created an Apple ID and Enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, you will need to Invite Ready Education as an Admin to your Apple Developer Account and provide Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Steps to Add Ready Education as Admin in Developer Account:

  • Add Ready Education as an Admin by using the following details for the user:

    • First Name: “Ready”  Last Name: “Education”  Email: “”

  • Select "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" in the ‘Developer Resources’ section to allow us to publish app updates.

  • Step by Step instructions are available here.

It is important to note that only the Admin role (not any other role, including App Manager) will allow us to submit the app's privacy practices required as per Apple guidelines.

If your institution has security policies related to Admin access, please let us know, and you can revert our permissions to 'App Manager' after the Ready Education team submits the app privacy data. More details about the roles on App Store Connect are available here.

View the following articles for further details related to the Apple App Publishing:

  1. For the certificates on the Apple Developer account, please view the iOS Distribution Certificates.

  2. For the Membership renewal or License Agreement, please view the Apple Developer Membership License and Renewal.

For help with this process, please submit a request at Ready Education Help Center