Community: Invite members to a Channel

Campus Cloud enables you to connect with your students and staff through "Community" which you can find in between "Manage" & "Notify" on the top navigation menu. As an administrator, you can invite members to your channels. In this article know how to invite members using:

Figure 1 - Campus Cloud - Navigate to Community, Select a Channel, Click on Add


Figure 2 - Campus Cloud - Invite Member using Name / Email / Audience / Host


Name/Email Address

To invite members to a channel

  • Log in to Campus Cloud 

  • Click Community

  • Select the Channel 

  • Click 1.png on the right side of the channel

  • Type the name or the email address in the box 

  • Click invite

Audience Name

To invite an audience name to a channel

  • Log in to Campus Cloud 

  • Click Community

  • Select the Channel 

  • Click 1.png on the right side of the channel

  • Type the name of the audience in the box (Learn more about how to create an audience)

  • Click invite

Host Name

To invite a host to a channel

  • Log in to Campus Cloud 

  • Click Community

  • Select the Channel 

  • Click 1.png on the right side of the channel

  • Type the name of the host in the box (a host can be a service or an organization)**

  • Click invite

(*) Adding members to a channel requires you to be a channel owner. For information, see "Roles and Permissions" 

(**) Know more about how to create a service or create an organization.