Community and Channels (2)

Community and Channels (2)

  • Pinning Posts is currently not possible. However, you can Download Posts And Comments. Please view the Community article for more details.

  • Currently, we cannot tag a user in a channel. Please share any feedback by submitting a support ticket, and we'll let our Product team know.

  • As a user with access to channel settings, you can specify the number of reports a single post/comment should have before being hidden from Community. The default number is set to 4 posts. However, you can choose any number between 1 and 99999 (inclusive). More information here: Moderate the Community.

  • No, there is no way to contact your admin on the channel. Please share any feedback by submitting a support ticket, and we'll let our Product team know.

  • No, invites can only be sent out by individuals currently. Please share any feedback by submitting a support ticket, and we'll let our Product team know.

  • No, there is no way to contact your admin on the channel. Please submit a request to us, and we will connect you with the channel administrator. 

  • Chanel owners and moderators can post in a read-only channel.

  • No, the live feature is not supported. Please share any feedback by submitting a support ticket, and we'll let our Product team know.

  • You can preview Youtube video links. We don't support embedding videos from other platforms.

  • Here is the Help Center article to post as a service (host) in Community. 

  • Make sure that you have enabled push notifications and your notification settings on your device, as well as the app is turned ON. 

  • This may be because users were checking in using their phone camera instead of their Campus app. The event data was collects data QR Checkin data from the Campus App and not a user's device.

  • Push notifications are designed with a throttling feature that is engaged The Throttling feature prevents users from receiving multiple push notifications on their devices. If a user receives a Channel Post notification from a default channel, they will not receive a push notification from any default channels for the next few hours. Default channels are also known as auto-join channels.

  • When creating a service, please ensure to have the assessment toggle turned on for the Service provider tab to appear.

    For more information please see the following article: Create Service Event

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