Website Builder

Website Builder

The CampusGroups Website Builder module offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform for creating stunning websites with ease. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, group officers can effortlessly customize their websites to reflect their unique identity. What sets it apart is its ability to pull in dynamic content, ensuring that your website stays fresh and engaging for your audience. Whether you're a student organization, club, or any group on campus, the CampusGroups Website Builder empowers you to showcase your content in a visually appealing and dynamic way.

We recognize the need for Group’s to have a presentable, dynamic website they can share with the campus community and beyond.

In 2021, we introduced a new version of the website builder to improve functionality, customizability, and sustainability. The improvements required significant changes to the way the website builder works, which meant that it could not be backwards compatible.

If your Group’s site was built with the legacy website builder, we recommend enabling the new website builder and creating pages there (this can be done from the button on top of the Edit Website screen). We will continue to make the legacy website builder available, but we are no longer dedicating engineering effort to enhancing or updating its code.

Note that you can return to using the legacy website builder even after using the “Migrate to the new website builder” option, and your original site will be retained.

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