Creating Surveys and Forms

Creating Surveys and Forms

Explore the power of Surveys and Forms, empowering group officers and platform admins to efficiently collect individual user data, conduct surveys, manage elections, administer quizzes, and facilitate live polls for insightful and engaging interactions. Follow these steps to get started with creating a form.

  1. Manage your group

  2. Click on Surveys & Forms dropdown and select All Surveys & Forms

  3. Click Create

  4. Select what type of form you would like to create

    • Forms: Collect any data or documents from individual users

    • Surveys: Survey multiple users and review aggregate results

    • Polls: Ask a single question and view live results

    • Elections: Create positions and candidates and view voting results

    • Quizzes: Create questions and attribute points to correct answers

    • Jobs: Allow users to apply for jobs (if using the Career Module)

  5. Personalize your form to include a Title and an Introduction

  6. Select your question type and insert your question:

    • Free Text Single Line

    • Multi-Choice with Single Selection

    • Multi-Choice with Multiple Selection

    • Multi-Choice with Dropdown

    • Free Text Multi-Line

    • File Upload

    • Date Selection with Calendar

    • Group List Dropdown

    • Ranking Options

    • Election

    • Signature

    • Quiz

    • User Selector

    • Rubric

    • Binding Fields (allowing you to pull fields from approval processes into the form as answers)

  7. Edit your Form Settings

  • Basic Information:

    • See which group officer is the author for that form

    • Change the form name and type

    • Provide verbiage for a description and custom confirmation message

    • Connect your form to a workflow

    • And establish pass/fail quiz settings (if applicable)

  • Instructions:

    • Provide verbiage for a closing sentence as well as a message displayed on the submission confirmation page

  • Open/Close/Cap:

    • Set Yes or No to close the form or keep it open, respectively

    • Enter in a date and time for when the form should automatically open and/or close

    • Set a capacity for how many submissions are allowed for this form

  • Access Rights:

    • Set Yes or No for if log-in is required, if answers should be anonymous, if submissions can be edited, and if users can submit the form only once

    • Select the group officers that should be the only ones to manage the form and view form results

    • Scroll down to Privacy and set the Access Rights to decide which users should have access to complete the form

  • Notifications:

    • Enter the officers who should be notified when a user has submitted a form, as well as those that should be notified when a submission has been approved or denied

    • Provide verbiage for a message that is sent when a submission is approved, denied, or put on hold

  • Approval:

    • Set Yes or No to hide the approval box or keep in shown, respectively

  • Field Binding:

    • Choose the specific approval processes that will allow you to select certain fields to pull into your form

  1. Click Save

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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