Limiting Event Access

Limiting Event Access

Event Coordinators have the power to customize events by controlling who can view them and register. Whether it's based on User Type, User Tags, Class Year, Group members, or more, this level of customization ensures targeted access. Follow these simple steps to restrict access and tailor your events to specific audiences.

  1. Edit Your Event

  2. Navigate to Access & Display Options

  3. Select who is allowed to register to the event

    • Everyone - Event is open to the public

    • University CampusGroups users only - Every student in your school

    • Some University users only - Account Type and Year of Graduation

    • Group members only

    • Some group members only - Group members with certain roles

    • Tagged members only - Group members with certain group tags

    • Sub-groups members only - Group members with certain sub-group tags

    • Invited people only - Users invited by email from CampusGroups with the event clickbox

    • Officers only

    • Members with Badges only - Group members who earned a certain badge

  4. Now that only certain users can register, set the visibility of the event

    • Everyone - Visible on Public Calendar

    • Logged on users only - Visible to only users whoa re logged in

    • Group members only - Visible only to group members

    • Just the people who are allowed to register - Visible only to the Users allowed to register in the previous step

    • No one - Always hide from the calendar

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.



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