Creating And Managing Web Pages
Welcome to our Web Builder tool! This module features a simple drag & drop tool that allows you to easily design and maintain your website.
Be sure to migrate your website to the new website builder if you are on our old version
Manage your group
Click on the Websites dropdown and select Edit Web Pages
The generated URL for your Group will redirect you to your group Website
To upload the website logo, click on Website Settings
Click Create Menu or Create Page to create menu items listed in the top bar
Create Menu allows you to create a dropdown that will host pages
Create Page allows you to create each of the customizable pages
You can then assign pages to a menu by using the Select a Menu dropdown
The Home radio button on a page allows you to define which page will be the Home page
Reorder menus and pages by dragging and dropping them in the list
Click on the More icon to access additional settings including the ability to limit what users have Access to each page
The Publish checkbox allows you to publish or unpublish a page while checking the Hide in Menu box will remove your page from the top bar while still keeping it active
Please contact with any questions