25Live Integration for Room Reservations
CampusGroups supports a bi-directional API driven integration with College Net's 25Live Event Scheduling System.
Events can be created in CampusGroups and pushed to 25Live and/or Created in 25Live and pulled into CampusGroups.
To get started with the integration please contact your Implementation Consultant, Campus Success Manager, or the Integrations Team at integrations@readyeducation.com to enable the 25Live Module.
Integration Steps
Activating the Integration
You will need your 25Live API Credentials to complete the connection and enable the detailed configuration. To activate the integration, you will need:
25Live API url (usually similar to https://webservices.collegenet.com/r25ws/wrd/{schoolname}/run/
25Live API user
25Live API password
Detailed Configuration
If you will be sending Events from CampusGroups to 25Live
25Live Event Type (we will be getting the id through the API but need to know which one to use from the Event Type hierarchy)
25Live Event Folder (we will be getting the id through the API but need to know which one to use from the Cabinet/Folder/Events hierarchy)
Your API User will need to have access to view and reserve rooms to allow Booking through CampusGroups
If you will be sending Events from 25Live to CampusGroups (not enabled by default)
Confirmation you will be sending Events from 25Live to CampusGroups
Default import group
Default Event type
Please Note: You may need to contact 25Live for some of this information. While the CampusGroups team has basic proficiency with 3rd party systems, we cannot assist with configuring 25Live to integrate with CampusGroups.
Detailed capabilities
The integration refreshes Space information every 5 minutes from 25Live
Spaces will update in CampusGroups for events pushed from CampusGroups or pulled from 25Live
Only rooms which the 25Live API user is allowed to schedule (using the "can_schedule=T" API filter) are retrieved
The room name, formal name and max capacity are retrieved
The image associated with the layout of the room is retrieved
The Space Partition is used to identify the building of the room. This can be replaced by GPS coordinates provided that two custom attributes named "Latitude" and "Longitude" are made available in 25Live
Space Features are retrieved and indexed to use for filtering purposes
Spaces which are no longer present in the results returned by 25Live are removed from CampusGroups
CampusGroups can be used to book/request Rooms for Events in 25Live
This is done through Event Creation in CampusGroups but does not require the Event to be created or Approved in CampusGroups
This process will retrieve the availability status for all rooms in 25Live using the following parameters:
Event Start Date/Time
Event End Date/Time
Requested Setup Time
Requested Breakout Time
The list may additionally be filtered using the following filters:
Room availability
Room features
Room capacity
Search (against Space name and formal name)
Saving the Event updates the 25Live reservation information (and removes the [Incomplete] prefix from the Event name)
Creating an Event/Room Booking from CampusGroups to 25Live is instant when clicking Book in the Book a Room selection panel during Event Creation
Multiple rooms can be Booked for a single Event
Events created as Recurring Events will create multiple occurrences of the Event
Each occurrence's date will appear (in 25Live) as a tab in the Rooms selection window and each occurrence may have its own room selection
Room Booking Statuses are updated from 25Live when the Edit Event and Book a Room panel are accessed
Green = Confirmed
Yellow = Pending/Tentative
Red = Rejected
Reservation Requests can be canceled through the Book a Room selection panel by removing the Booking
This will remove the room or room request from the event in 25Live
Additionally if the last room is removed from the event the event is deleted from 25Live
This does not require Saving the Event
Deleting an Event in CampusGroups will cause all room requests and reservations for that event to be removed from 25Live and will delete the event from 25Live
Deleting an Event in 25Live will cause the Event to be Removed from CampusGroups
Events created in 25Live and pulled to CampusGroups will need to be updated in 25Live to reflect changes in both systems
Events created in CampusGroups and pushed to 25Live will need to be updated in CampusGroups to reflect changes in both systems
CampusGroups to 25Live Events will send:
The CG id of the event is stored in the 25Live alien_uid field
Event name (prefixed with [Incomplete] until the event is finalized)
Event title (no prefix)
Event description
Event start date
Event end date
Expected number of attendees
Reservation start and end along with setup and takedown duration if any
Requested room(s)
*Organization (provided that this information is available)
*Information about the logged in user that requested the room can be stored in a 25Live custom attribute (please provide us the attribute name or id for configuration beforehand)
The integration supports automatic matching of the groups in CampusGroups and organizations in 25Live
This is disabled by default and can be enabled on request
The matching compares the 25Live "organization_name" to the CampusGroups Group acronym
Groups which match have their 25Live ID saved in the "External Group" field automatically
This process does not alter groups in 25Live in any way
This process does not automatically create new groups in CampusGroups. Only groups that already exist on both ends will be matched.
Fields in 25Live which are used to create Events in CampusGroups
R25:event_type_id: Sets the Event Type for the Event
R25:state: Sets the Status of the Event, Approved, Pending, Canceled
R25:init_start_dt: Sets the Event Start Date and Time
R25:init_end_dt Sets the Event End Date and Time
Common Questions
Q: How are Hosts notified when their Reservation or Event are approved in 25Live?
A: This should come from 25Live itself. The CampusGroups platform is unable to send notifications or emails when Approvals or Denials are completed in 25Live.
Q: If 25Live admins change a Booking for a Single Event as part of a series of Recurring Events, what gets updated in CampusGroups
A: The specific Event for which the Room Booking is updated for in 25Live will be updated in CampusGroups.
Q: What are the best practices for notifying requestors and administrators a room booking is Approved or Denied
A: Adding your 25Live Administrators to a Workflow Step to Approve in CampusGroups is a best practice for notifying the Event Hosts and Administrator Approvers for the Event of a Room Reservation Status.