How to complete a full re-sync of SQL table

Firstly we need to disable the outgoing table.

Access the myday control panel by clicking on the Administration then control panel on the sidebar on the dashboard.

Once you are in the control panel, click on Data Synchronisation. You will see two server, click details on the mdyaycloud server.

You will now see a list of Incoming tables (tables that are being pushed to myday cloud).

Disable the table you wish to action a full re-sync for. 

Once disabled, you will see an option for reset, please go ahead and reset the table.

Next we will need to disable the Outgoing table (tables that are being prepared to be pushed to the myday cloud (this happens on the sync server).


Click on Data Synchronisation again and this time click on details for your sync server.


You will see a list of tables listed, click disable on the table you wish to reset.


Now the tables have been disabled, we will start the deletion of the data for the disabled table.


Hover the mouse over the Data Synchronisation button and select Delete Data.

In the dropdown on the next page, you will need to select the entity you wish to delete. In our example we have disabled the Timetable, therefore we will need to delete the calendar entity.

Press Delete.

Click on Start Delete Operation. The process will now start and you will be re-directed to the control panel home where you will see a job for the deletion of the data.

  • Sometimes the deletion job may not appear which is rare, however, allow 5 minutes for the job to appear. If it does not appear, repeat the delete process again.


Please be aware, if you have multiple tables with the same entity, you would need to re-sync these table once you deleted the data.


For example, if you three tables syncing print balance, library balance and course fees and the issue is the the print balance, deleting data for the entity (balance) would delete the data for tables with this entity. Once you have deleted the data, re-sync the tables that have no issues with the data and continue with the guide.


 You will now need to delete the data stored in the Sync Server (MyDaySync database).

Expand the myday database and locate the table you wish to delete.

Now you will need to either delete or truncate this table.

Now we need to reset the table version.

Right click on dbo.SyncTableVersion and click on Edit Top 200.


Enter the number 0 for VersionID and RecordCount

Once the values have been edited, click on another row to save the value and you can now exit the sync server and start the process of re-syncing the data with myday.

Go back to the the myday control panel and ensure the previous deletion job has been completed before proceeding to the next step.

Now the data has been completed reset in the sync server and myday, we then now need to enable the tables again before the sync.

Click on Data Synchronisation again click on details for your sync server. and enable the table that you disabled earlier on.

Now press back to list.

Click on details for the mydaycloud server.

Enable the table.

Please ensure you have adjusted the timezone to the appropriate choice according to where you are based before syncing a Timetable table

Now press sync.


You can check the sync process by click on back to list.

Click on Live Operations next your sync server. This will open in a new window and show you the status of the job.

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