URL for API Authentication

Article is illustrating steps for generic V3 API alerts
You would need to have created the client to authenticate against first.
### ALERTS V3 API CALL EXAMPLES ### ## Authenticate to myday using client credentials # @name auth POST https://auth.myday.cloud/connect/token Authorization: Basic BASE64_STRING_OF_CLIENTID_AND_SECRET_SEPERATED_BY_A_COLON Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded grant_type=client_credentials&scope=alerts_api.send ### ## Publish an alert to an individual user. ## ## body can be an individual object or an array of objects ## ## icon and sound fields in the request body must not be changed as the assets required ## are built into the myday mobile app. ## ## Some customers will not yet have the ability to hit the 'link' property value ## and when the push notification is tapped, the user will be taken to the notification ## area in myday instead. Customers mobile apps will need to be updated to ## accomodate that feature. We are doing this proactively. POST https://api.myday.cloud/alerts/v3/user/publish Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {{auth.response.body.access_token}} [ { "title": "Sample alert", "body": "Sample alert Description", "content": "<div>Rich content for the alert</div>", "ttl": 7776000, "inAppTtl": "3600", "sendPushNotification": true, "link": "https://actionlink.com", "icon": "myIcon.png", "sound": "default", "userName": "andy.bullivent@adbcollabco.onmicrosoft.com" } ] ### ## Publish an alert to a channel ## ## pretty much the same as to an individual user, but the payload structure is very slightly different. ## ## channel ID's can be retrieved from the myday alerts UI. ## categories can just be an empty array if not required. POST https://api.myday.cloud/alerts/v3/channels/publish Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {{auth.response.body.access_token}} { "title": "Sample alert", "body": "Sample alert Description", "content": "<div>Rich content for the alert</div>", "sendPushNotification": true, "ttl": 7776000, "icon": "myday.png", "sound": "default", "action": "https://actionlink.com", "categories": [ "news" ], "imageUrl": null, "videoUrl": null, "channelId": "14c6adb7-dce4-432f-b63a-9e381427fe8c"