Click on the name of the form to show the Submissions
Unlock streamlined processes with the Approval and Workflows feature, offering group officers the ability to seamlessly manage survey and form submissions through simple approvals, enabling status adjustments. Dive deeper with dynamic workflows, efficiently routing forms through the campus for collaborative sign-offs, ensuring smooth event approvals and club registration processes.
Simple Approvals
Manage your group
Navigate to your form
Make sure your form settings are set to not hide the Approval Box
Navigate to your submissions and notify the user by selecting one of the following statuses:
Requires Modifications
On Hold
You’ll also be able view each user’s submission of the form and message them within the platform.
Note |
Instead of a simple approval, you may use a workflow that will require the approval of multiple people and/or teams.
Clicking on see workflow will allow you to:
Open the form submission,
Chat with the submitter, everyone involved in the workflow including the submitter, or everyone involved in the workflow without the submitter,
See the teams of people that have been notified that their approval is required, and
Set the status of the submission: Reset Workflow, Requires Modifications, or Reject.
After all required people and teams have approved for their step, the form submission will be approved.
To build a workflow, navigate to your group > Dashboard > Workflows.
Provide a name for you workflow and click Save.
Click Create Step to establish what steps a form submission should follow.
Any officer of your group who has access to the form will be able to manage the form approvals |
Workflow Approvals
Workflows are a multi-step approval process where multiple teams can approve of the form before a final approval
Manage your group
Click on the Surveys & Forms dropdown and select Workflows
Select Create Workflow or Edit an existing Workflow
Provide a name for your workflow and click Save
Click Create Step
Provide a Name for the step, decide how many people need to approve in the Transition dropdown and click Save
Once you have created a step, assign a team by clicking Edit Teams
The last step is to ensure your workflow is connected to your form. Navigate to Surveys & Forms > Settings > Basic Information > select the workflow you would like attached to this form.
Click Save.
This will also allow you to use logic to trigger steps in your workflow that are not active by default.
For example, this logic below is set up so that if a user answers Yes to the question Will you need equipment from facilities at your event?, then the Facilities step will be triggered and anyone on the team attached to that step, will be pulled into the workflow to review and provide approval.
Add team members to the step by clicking Edit Participants or Create Team
Click Add to Step in order to assign the team to the step
To connect the Workflow to your form, navigate to the Form Settings and connect the Form to the Workflow and click Save
Set up Workflow Logicif certain steps should be invoked based on the Form responses
As submissions come in, users will receive notifications in both their email and under My Workflows located under My Activity
Open the Form submission and Click I Approve
Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.