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Use Checklists to create and assign items and tasks to your users to complete and encourage engagement in CampusGroupsHosted on its own or as part of a theme, checklists are the sections of activities or knowledge that will host action items that users will be able to progress through for credit.

  1. Manage your group

  2. Click on the Member Success dropdown and select Tracks & Checklists

  3. Click Create Checklist

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  4. Click on Create Checklist. Here you will be able to

    • Provide a name and description for the checklist

    • Make the checklist sequential (showing only one non-completed item at a time)

    • Assign your checklist to specific users

    • Make the checklist visible to assignees

    • Include start and end dates for when the checklist should be visible to assignees

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  5. Click Save

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  6. Click on the name of your checklist

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  7. To start creating new tasks and assignments, click Create Item.

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  8. Here you will be able to

    • Provide a title and details

    • Set a deadline for when this item should be completed

    • Decide if you’d like to give the user the ability to check off this item themselves

    • Decide whether or not you’d like this item to be optional

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  9. Click Save

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  10. After you’ve created Once you've crafted your item(s), you have the capability to set up can establish a Completion Rule--where you can build out what a user has to do in the CampusGroups platform in order for this which allows you to define the specific actions users must complete within CampusGroups for the item to be automatically marked as complete

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  11. Coming back to your main Tracks & Checklists page, you will be able to

    • View the completion percentage of the checklist

    • Preview what it will look like to assigns

    • Click the triple-dots options icon to

      • Retrieve a link to your checklist

      • Copy the checklist into another group

      • Duplicate the checklist

      • Assign to or un-assign from users

      • Archive or delete the checklist


  1. completed.

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  2. Click on the More icon and select Assign or Batch Assign to allocate the Checklist to Users

    • Clicking on Assign will allow you to choose which population of the users you’d like to have access to your checklist

    • Clicking on


    • Batch Assign or Batch Un-Assign will allow you to paste a list of email addresses or ID numbers to give or take away access to the checklist


    • (Users must already be in the CampusGroups platform


    • with the matching email


    • or


Click Save / Submit


    • NetID)

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  1. On your main Tracks & Checklists page, you will be able to view the overall completion percentage of the Track and Preview what it will look like to assignees

Please contact with any questions.