Welcome to Ready Education

Welcome to the Ready Education customer community. We’re honoured that you’ve chosen to partner with us. It’s our utmost priority to ensure you have an excellent experience with Campus Cloud, Campus App and our team from day one, so we’ve compiled this packet of resources to provide a framework and clear path for success in the first few weeks and beyond.

In this article, you'll find information on:

  • How to log in to Campus Cloud and the Campus App?

  • How to use our Help Center?

  • Exploring the platform and more...

Log in to Campus Cloud

If you've been invited to administer your campus app, please respond to the email invite and set up your account and a strong password.

If your school is based in the United States - log in using Campus Cloud - US.

If your school is in Canada - log in using Campus Cloud - Canada.

Having issues logging in, check out Troubleshooting issues with Campus Cloud Login.

Log in to the Campus App

Please sign in using your Single-Sign-On credentials for your school. If you are facing issues, please reach out to your Campus IT team and make sure you are part of the Active Directory to log in.

Using the Help Center

The Ready Education Help Center is categorized into multiple sections for quick and easy access to the resources you need to succeed.

Platform Guides

Master Administrator 

The Master Administrator category houses articles about designing the app, health and wellness, managing settings for your campus, API management, etc. 

Master admins are users that have the highest level of access on Campus Cloud. They can access Team Settings and Campus Settings for admin actions such as adding new Team Members and editing the Community Settings. Campus Cloud Admins also are given access to Insights and Health & Wellness. Click here to ---> Get Started🚀.


The Administrator category houses articles related to managing the app content, notifications and information on how to connect with the Community.

Admins are users who have permission to create, edit, & publish content in the Campus App for one or multiple services/organizations. They also can communicate with students on behalf of their service/organizations. Click here to --->Get Started🚀.

Standard App User

The Standard App Users category houses articles about setting up your app account, navigating the app and engaging in Community.

App users have full access to the Mobile App. They can view all the content in the Mobile App, interact with other users, and could also have permission to moderate one or multiple channels. All students also fall under in category. Click here to ---> Get Started🚀.

Best Practices

Use the platform to drive student success outcomes and check out best practices.
Click here ---> Best Practices🎯.

Get Support

How to contact us, troubleshoot integrations, App publishing, and more --->Get Support⚙️.