Google Play Compliance Contact Trace Plus FAQs
Why has Google put this process in place? I’m confused.
Due to the unprecedented worldwide emergency, Google Play is expediting reviews to enable official apps intended to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic to publish on the Google Play Store. Google takes this responsibility very seriously. In the interest of public safety, information integrity, and privacy, only specific COVID-19 apps that meet the requirements will be allowed on the Google Play Store. More information is available here: Requirements for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) apps.
Is this Ready Education specific, or is this issue across all COVID-related apps?
It is NOT Ready Education specific; it is for all COVID-related apps.
What about Apple? Are there similar steps I need to take?
The process & requirements for submitting apps with Apple are similar, but the Ready Education team can complete them on your behalf.
Help! I missed the September 24th deadline communicated to me by my Activation Manager. What are my options?
Don’t worry; your app won’t be removed or blocked from Google Play Stores. It’s not too late to provide your letter; we will continue to support you through this process. When you have the letter, please send it to your Activation Manager as per the original communications.
Who do I submit my letter to?
Once you have your letter, you can send it to your Activation Manager by email. They will either submit it on your behalf or follow up if they need to submit it from your developer account.
Once I have submitted the letter, how long will it take for Google to review it?
Google Play may take more time to review the app to help better protect users thoroughly. This may result in review times of up to seven days or longer in exceptional cases. To speed up this review process, we are submitting the letter of compliance/endorsement to Google Play.
I’m outside of the United States. Am I still affected?
The requirement from Google affects all apps published in the Google Play Store irrespective of location.
How can I use Ready’s Web App and Web Forms to support me in the meantime?
The Ready Web App and Web Forms are available to you while we wait for your app to be approved. There are many ways to configure the WebForms, so please connect with your Activation Manager to learn more about how we can support you.
Are the Web Forms more customizable in the interim?
Our Product and Engineering teams are working towards improvements in our Web Forms to support you and your students while we wait for Google Play to complete the app review process.