Submitting an update to the Android app
If you have opted to retain access to the Android app and the Google Play Console.
Please follow the steps below to update your app to the latest app version. Before proceeding, ensure you have your App ID, the AAB file, and the Play Store resources link. You can download the following by using the links below:
To download the AAB file :<app_id>.aab
Identify the link to the Play Store Listing resources zip from<app_id>
Now, the next step is to roll out the app update:
1. Log in to Google Play Console
2. Create a new release from the Google Play Console under Production.
Figure 1. Go to the app and click on Production>>Create a new release
3. Upload the AAB file to the release
Figure 2. Upload the AAB file (Android App Bundle)
4. Update the Play Store listing (app title, short description, long description, screenshots, etc.) from the Play Store Listing zip file's content.
Navigate to Main Store Listing
Set up your store listing
Copy and Paste the short and long descriptions from the PlayStore metadata file.
Upload the app icon
Upload the feature graphics icon
Upload the phone screenshots that are exported from the metadata file as well. Make sure they appear in the correct order.
Click on Save and navigate back to the Dashboard.
5. After this information is updated, you can review and rollout the release the app release to Google for review. Once the app release is approved, all users will receive the update on their devices.
Note: Please watch for emails from Google and forward them to support to take action on your app.
Let us know if you have any questions & would like further assistance; please reach out to us: Submit a Request.