Create Community Keyword Alerts

Create Community Keyword Alerts

To access Keyword Alerts, use your User Menu in the top-right > Campus Settings > Community Settings - Keyword Alerts tab.

On June 1, we introduced a change to the logic for who receives Keyword Alert emails. Instead of emailing the moderators of the channel in which the keyword appeared, you can now designate one or more Team Members you wish to alert per keyword set.

Create a Community Keyword Alert

  1. Click "Add Keyword Alert."

  2. Give your set of keywords a name.

  3. Add at least one keyword to the set. 

  4. In order to enable the emails, you need to assign at least one Team Member. If you want to send the alert to a general inbox, you'll need to create a Team Member to represent that email address.  

  5. Toggle the Keyword Alert to "active" if you want to begin sending email alerts any time the keyword(s) are mentioned by any user in any public or private channel.

Figure 1. Keyword Alerts under Community Settings on Campus Cloud

Note: You cannot use the same keyword more than once, Campus Cloud uses keyword matching to make sure you don't type the same keyword more than once. The keywords are not case-sensitive.


 Go to Getting Started with Community Keyword Alerts for more information on Community Alerts.

See how you can use Keyword Set Filters.

Check out how an alert looks like Email Alerts for Keywords.

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