Android App Transfer Process

Android App Transfer Process


Ready Education needs to update how your app was published to provide a better customer experience. Our team will be upgrading multiple features in the product suite to offer customers the most up-to-date, innovative, and stable product. To take advantage of the latest releases and updates, it is required that the Android version of the Campus App needs to be hosted in the institution's Google Play Account. Ready Education will no longer be able to push updates and bug fixes for your app through our Google Play Developer account; all submissions must now be made using a Google Play Developer account owned by your institution. There will be no downtime, thus no effect on the app's functionality. 

Android App Transfer Process

  1. Create a Google Play Account and share the Transaction ID  with Ready Education.

  2. Add Ready Education as Admin

  3. Setup a Service Account 

  4. Accept the Android App transfer 

The Support Team at Ready Education would be happy to assist you with the App transfer process. Please submit a request with the following information as you follow the above steps:

  1. Transaction ID and email address of the Google Play Account

Once the Google Play Developer Account is created, a Transaction ID (order number) is available on the email from Google Payments (sent to the Account owner confirming the $25 registration fee payment). Search the target account owner's email inbox for the “developer registration fee to find the transaction ID.”

Your institution will require no additional work once the transfer is complete using the above steps.

Accept the App Transfer

After the Support Team initiates the app transfer, the account owner of the Google Developer Account will receive an email to review the app transfer.
Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to the Play Console.

  2. Go to Setup > App Transfer.

  3. Click Review request.

  4. Acknowledge and submit the transfer request.

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