To fix the issue you need to enter a new secret token - they are only valid for 3 years.
Open up your Azure Portal and navigate to:
Azure Active Directory/Enterprise Applications/Myday
You should see this app -
Select “Provisioning” from the left hand menu.
Click on “Edit Provisioning”
Ensure you’re using the correct SCIM Tenant URL. This should be in the format of https://scim.myday.cloud/”TenantID”/v2
If you have to amend the URL then please re-enter your secret token and test the connection. You should get a green success message.
Click on Save at the top of the screen.
Once successful feel free to initiate a sync during an appropriate window.
1.1 To do this, navigate back to “Provisioning”
You will see a window similar to this:
1.2 Select “Stop” and then “Start” provisioning from the right hand menu.