Myday Provisioning quarantined

Myday Provisioning quarantined

If you have come an email from Microsoft about your Azure sync being quarantined please follow the below steps.


Initial Cycle Quarantined


How to troubleshoot the issue.

To fix the issue you need to enter a new secret token - they are only valid for 3 years.

  1. Open up your Azure Portal and navigate to:

Azure Active Directory/Enterprise Applications/Myday

You should see this app -

  1. Select “Provisioning” from the left hand menu.

  2. Click on “Edit Provisioning”

Ensure you’re using the correct SCIM Tenant URL. This should be in the format of https://scim.myday.cloud/”TenantID”/v2

  1. If you have to amend the URL then please re-enter your secret token and test the connection. You should get a green success message. If you lost your secret token you can re-generate it by following the steps here

  2. Click on Save at the top of the screen.

Once successful feel free to initiate a sync during an appropriate window.

1.1 To do this, navigate back to “Provisioning”

You will see a window similar to this:


1.2 Select “Stop” and then “Start” provisioning from the right hand menu.

This will then run a full re-sync of your users into myday.

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