Setting up an Azure non-galleried application

Setting up an Azure non-galleried application

These instructions are for using when you are wanting to set up Azure Single Sign on for a Test or Development tenancy for myday.

They will guide you through using the myday Azure Enterprise App as a template for creating an additional provisioning tool the add users from your Azure Portal to your test/dev environments.

Make sure you complete the pre-requisites before moving on in this document.


You will need to create a SCIM client in your test/dev/sandbox environment before following these instructions - up to making a note of the Access Token you generated.

Create the non- galleried Azure Enterprise Application

In order to create an application on Azure Portal, you will require Global Administrator access.

  1. Navigate to https://portal.azure.com

  2. Click on 'Enterprise Applications' on the left sidebar. If you do not have the option on the left sidebar, enter 'Enterprise Applications' in the search box and click on this in the search results

  3. Now click on 'New Application'

  4. Select 'Create your own application'

  5. You will now see a bar on the right. Enter a name for the app like “Myday Azure Sync” and check that myday is found as the match to the application you are building

  6. Select “Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery) and make sure that the myday day application is recommended

  7. Click “Create” at the bottom to save

Setting up the Application

You will now be able to setup the application by returning to the 'Enterprise Applications' page if you are not taken there automatically.

  1. Click on Provisioning on the side bar

  2. Ensure provisioning mode is set to automatic.

  3. Click on 'Admin Credentials' Enter tenant URL which consists of the SCIM URL along with your tenant ID followed by 'v2'. E.g. https://scim.myday.cloud/InsertTenantIDHere/v2

  4. You will need a Secret Token that you generated when you created the SCIM Client Credentials in Identity Manager. Copy this token and enter the token into the 'provision screen in step

**If you do not have a SCIM Client Credentials set up in your test environment, please follow these instructions up to “Creating an Enterprise Application**


  1. Once information is entered, we want to test the connection by pressing the 'Test Connection' button. If successful you will see a notification in the top right confirming this.

  2. The next step is to map which fields you want to sync into myday

  3. There will pop out a new section on the right. Fill in the fields as required using the table below:

  4. Press Save at the top of the page and return to the provisioning screen and select the user option under mappings

  5. Ensure the user mappings match the image below.

  6. Press “Save” at the top of the page and return to the provisioning screen. 8. Finally we need to ensure the Sync option is enabled on the provisioning screen and 'Sync all users and groups' is also selected. Set the provision status to on and press save


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