How to renew your certificate and vanity domain

How to renew your certificate and vanity domain

If you have registered your own domain you will need to renew your HTTPS certificate (cert) when it expires.

Follow these steps to renew your certificate in the myday instance without the need to raise a support ticket.

  1. Sign in to myday as a tenant administrator.

  2. Open the Identity Management app.

  3. Click the 'Certificates' link at the top of the page.

  4. Select the 'Certificate Signing Request' (CSR) link on the menu.

  5. Click the 'Add' button.

  6. Enter the relevant information on the form you will see.

  7. Once you have your desired settings, click the 'Submit' button.

    1. The new certificate signing request will be created.

    2. Copy all of the text inside the grey box and paste into Notepad or similar - you'll need to take this to your certificate provider.

    3. Click 'OK' to close the pop-up window.

    4. When purchasing your certificate, please ensure that you obtain the certificate in .pem format.

  8. Click on the 'Complete Certificate Request' button to bring up a dialog box that will allow you to enter text in 2 boxes.(Below is provided by your certificate authority after sending the CSR)

    1. The first box you must enter the main certificate text.

    2. The second box must have the intermediate text first, followed by the root certificate.

  9. Click on the 'Complete' button.

  10. Now click on 'Certificates > Certificates' from the top of the screen.

  11. Identify your newest certificate by checking the date under 'Created at'. You will see this if you select any of the certificate Ids from the left.

    1. Take a note of the Certificate Id; copy/paste into Notepad or similar. You will need to refer back to this at step 16.

  12. Next, click on 'Domains' link from the top of the screen.

  13. Select the domain you want to use from the left side of the screen.

  14. Click on the 'Edit' tab.

  15. Scroll down the page to 'Manage Certificate Associations' and click on the 'Associate Certificate' button.

  16. Use the drop-down box to select the Id which you noted at step 11.1.

  17. Click on 'Update Association'. A green success message will appear in the top-right corner of the screen.

  18. Click the 'Submit' button at the foot of the screen. Another green success message will appear in the top-right corner of the screen.

  19. Scroll back to the top of the screen, then:

    1. Click on the 'Unpublish Domain' button. Please note, this will not take your domain offline or prevent access to your myday instance.

    2. Acknowledge the pop-up message by clicking the 'Yes' button.  A green success message will appear in the top-right corner of the screen.

    3. Click on the 'Publish Domain' button.

    4. Acknowledge the pop-up message by clicking the 'Yes' button.  Another green success message will appear in the top-right corner of the screen.

If you encounter security issues with the new domain certificate, you may need to repeat step 19 to kick-start the changes to the certificate renewal process.

Video Demonstration