Reviewing Form Submissions and Results

Once you share your form, you can track how many people have viewed it, submitted it, and the results they received.


Daily Summary

Select Manage > Forms to see a high-level view that provides a snapshot of how much engagement your forms have received in a given day. 

Unique Views

This is the number of times the form was opened by a unique user (similar to the concept of “impressions”) within the past 24 hours. This includes views from both the mobile app and the web view.

Completed %

This number shows the percentage of people who continued to submit the form within that same 24-hour time period.


This shows a tally of totals per result (since a form can use conditional logic to lead the user to different results based on their input). 



Select Manage > Forms > "Results" button for a given form to see a detailed list of submissions that you can filter and download.