Accessing SFTP folder using FileZilla

Accessing SFTP folder using FileZilla

For schools with their course integration through CSV files, Campus Admins have to complete the SFTP folder setup to automatically send Course and Student information CSV files to Ready Education. 

The Ready Education SFTP folder can be accessed using any SFTP client. In this case, we will use FileZilla to demonstrate how to connect to the SFTP folder and upload your CSV files for integration.

1. Download FileZilla Client using this link: https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1

2. Once installed on your system, click on the Site Manager icon on the top left to add and save SFTP details

3. Fill in the details provided by your consultant and try to connect

4. Once connected, you will see the following folder structure

5. Double click on the data folder, and this is the folder where you would upload your CSV files for     integrations

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