Moderating the Campus Community

Within your Campus "Community," you can create public and private channels. Students, staff, and faculty can engage with each other through posts and comments within channels. As an app administrator, you can search, filter, and sort posts or comments, and download them. As a result of all this, you can interact with students and create an engaged digital Community.

Figure 1 - Campus Cloud - Moderating Community

To view the Campus Community, log in to Campus Cloud, then click "Community" on the top navigation menu.

You'll see the number of posts and comments in total for a channel.

Add a Channel

You can add a channel to the campus community that students can use to connect and participate in discussions with their fellow students.

To add a channel to the campus community: 

  • Log in to Campus Cloud, then click Community

  • Click "+" next to Public Channels

  • Provide a name and description for the new channel

  • Click Save

For more about adding a channel, please see:

Search and Filters

Type a keyword or phrase into the search bar to search for a post. You can also use up to three filters to narrow your search results. For example, search for posts within a date range, or posts from one student. You can narrow the search parameters, look for specific posts or comments, or widen them to gain perspective on overall activity. As you use to search and filters, the number of posts and comments changes to reflect the results.

For more about Search, please see: 


Students participate in the Community using the Campus App, and they can like posts by their peers. If students like a message, a thumbs-up icon () appears below the post in Campus Cloud, with a number showing how many students like it. Point your cursor at the thumbs-up icon to see who likes any post.

You can filter the community to show only posts and comments students have liked.

For more, see: 

Find Reported Posts/Comments

Sometimes some posts and comments are reported by other students. To filter content that other students have reported as inappropriate.

  • Log in to Campus Cloud, then click "Community"

  • Click "Filter," then click "Status"

  • Select "Reported"

Figure 2 - Campus Cloud - Moderating Community - Filter by "Reported" Status

You can respond by commenting removing the post or approving the content.

To see who has reported a post, point your cursor at the red flag icon ().

As a user with access to channel settings, you can specify the number of reports a single post/comment should have before being hidden from the Community. The default number is set to 4 posts. However, you can choose any number between 1 and 99999 (inclusive).

Figure 3- Count of reported posts in the Community

For more information: 

Delete/Approve Posts

To delete a reported post:

  • Locate the post

  • Select "Delete" from the drop-down menu

  • Click "Delete" to confirm. (You cannot undo.)

To approve a reported post:

  • Locate the post

  • Select "Approve" from the drop-down menu

Figure 4- Campus Cloud - Moderating Community - Delete or Approve Posts

Comment on posts

You can engage with students with comments that will appear at the bottom of the list of comments. App Users will be able to read and respond to your comments in the mobile app. For more information:

Download Posts and Comments

You can download posts and comments from the campus community that can be used to create reports about student conversations and gain insights into what motivates them and what they care about. 

To download posts and comments:

  • Log in to Campus Cloud, then click Community.

  • [Optional] Search for a keyword, or apply a filter, to download messages only that match your criteria.

  • In the drop-down menu (

    ), click Download Posts. 

To be able to download posts from a channel:

  • The "Download Posts" permission needs to be set in Community Settings

  • You need to be logged in as a user whose role matches the settings

Figure 5 - Campus Cloud - Moderating Community - Download Posts

For more information: 

Close or Ban an App Account 

As an administrator, if you'd like to Close or Ban an app Account for an App user please make sure to submit a request to Support.


  • Closing the account: A user would be able to create their account again using the same
    email address.

  • Ban the Account: A user will not be able to recreate their account using the same email. If you'd like to reinstate this user into the app, you'd have to make an official request to us.