Organizations - Overview

Organizations - Overview

'Organizations' allows you to engage students with different clubs of their choice and preferences. It can have a community and members and enables you to communicate through events and other practices. Know how to:

Figure 1 - Campus Cloud Organizations


Create an Organization/Edit Info

To Create an organization:

  1. Click Manage, then click Organizations

  2. Click Create Organization

  3. Click Upload Image to choose an image from your computer

    • 1125 pixels by 600 pixels, JPEG, maximum 5 MB

  4. Provide a name for the organization, and a description (optional)

  5. Set the status (active, inactive, or pending)

  6. Turn membership on or off (*)

  7. Provide a location and other contact details

  8. Click Save

(*) Turning on the membership wall allows students to join the club groups in the community and can interact with each other. It creates a group wall for students that can hold posts and comments. Students access the group wall using the mobile app.

To edit info for an organization:

  1. Click Manage then click Organizations

  2. Locate your organization in the list, and click its name.

  3. Click Info, then click Edit

  4. Make changes to details such as the name, description, and contact information.

  5. Click Save

Share Permissions with other Owners

Figure 2 - Campus Cloud - Team Settings

When you create an organization, you are the owner of it. If you want another person to be able to manage the organization, grant permissions to that person:

Things you can do as an organization owner

  1. Update information about your organization such as name and location.

  2. Invite students to your club and designate organization executives.

  3. Manage the community.

  4. Create events.

  5. Track attendance at events.

  6. Gather student feedback about your events.

  7. Change a member’s type and position by clicking their name in the member list.

  8. Remove students from the list of club members (using the “X”)

Manage Organization Members

As an organization owner, you can add and remove people from your club.  

To view the members: 

  • Click Manage, then click Organizations

  • Locate your club in the list, and click its name

  • Click Members to view the list of team members

To add a new member:

  • Click “Add Member.”

  • Type the name of the person you want to add, then select their name from the list of search results.*

  • Select the person’s type (“Executive” or “Member”).

  • (Optional) For Executives, provide the member’s position, such as President, Treasurer, etc.

  • Click Save.

The new team member’s name will appear in the list of team members and it will also appear in the mobile app.

(*) Students must have an app account to be added to any organization.

Students can use your campus app to join your organization by locating it in the Campus Guide, then clicking “Join.”

Create an Event

To create an event:

  • Click Manage then click Organizations or Services

  • Find your organization or service in the list, and click its name

  • Click Events, then click Create Event

  • Click Upload Image to choose an image from your computer

    • 1125 * 600 pixels, JPEG only, maximum 5 MB

  • Add Event Details such as the name, date and time, description, and location

  • Turn Assessment on, and set the options. (See Event Assessment.)

  • Once you have finished creating the event, click Create Event

Your event appears on the Events page of the Campus Cloud. Your event also appears in the campus app, in the list of events. It also appears when students browse the organization or service hosting the event. Know how to Track Attendance for an Event.


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