Team Permissions for Contact Trace Plus

Campus Cloud uses a permissions system to control who can do what with Contact Trace Permissions. As a Campus Cloud Administrator or a HealthCare Admin, you can invite your colleagues to the Campus Cloud to administer Contact Trace Plus for your organization.

As a Campus Cloud administrator, you are able to monitor the health status of your campus through forms, case management, and contact tracing.

** Contact your Campus Success Consultant to enable Contact Trace Plus:

This article focuses on:

Types of Contact Trace Permissions

There are various types of permissions for Contact Trace as described below-

  • QR Codes: Manage QR Codes for tracking the location of students

  • Forms: Manage Forms related to Contact Trace

  • Cases: Manage Cases related to Contact Trace

  • Notifications: Manage notifications related to Contact Trace

  • Health Dashboard: View and download dashboard related to the Contact Trace

  • Privacy On/Off: If Off, View users' Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on Contact Trace and vice-versa 

  • If turned On, the individual would see an anonymous token instead of a user's (PII), allowing your campus to be HIPAA compliant.

  • Manage Audiences: "Limit access to specific audiences" menu, select the Audiences you want this admin to be able to view.


Figure. Team Permissions for CT Plus

Change a Team member’s permissions

You can give access to others to create, edit and share forms, generate and download QR codes of forms and download the Forms Data.

To edit a team member's permissions, here are the steps:

  • Click Team Settings in the user menu (your name, top right corner)

  • Click on the team member's name and edit the permissions

**Team Permissions can only be updated by the Community Manager. 

Should you have any questions, please contact us.