

Approval Process

An Approval Process connects a form and workflow to dynamically approve creation of content on the platform. While a form and workflow can be used independently, the Approval Process allows admins to create or update groups, events or payments upon approval.

  • Group Registration - Allows administrators to dynamically approve new group creation.

  • Group Re-Registration - Allows administrators to approve re-registrations and update information for existing groups.

  • Event Registration - Allows administrators to approve newly created events.

  • Payment Request - Allows administrators to approve new payment requests.

  • Company Approval - Allows administrators of campuses with the Career module to approve the creation of new Company groups.

  • Room Reservation Approval - Allows administrators of campuses with the CG Room Reservation module to approve Direct Booking (non-Event) room reservation requests.


Streamline the budgeting & allocations process to allow multiple students and administrators to collaborate on a centralized system. Create your budget, get it approved, track all your revenues and expenses, and see your remaining balance at any time.

Career Center

Connect students with job opportunities and recruiting companies. Create a job board for students to discover and apply for career opportunities. Foster long-term relationships with employers by hosting a virtual career fair.


Chat with one or several members at a time. Chat with group leaders, event organizers or receive important notifications from the CampusGroups bot.

Connection Program

Foster leadership and skill-sharing with your group's mentoring program. Allow mentees to send requests, synchronize your calendar and create a custom link to make meetings a breeze.

Custom Fields

Additional fields that can be created and appended to users, groups and events.

  • User Custom Fields - Generate fields to capture supplementary information about users that is not a part of the default user profile (e.g., t-shirt sizes, demographics, extension numbers, etc.). Users can input data into these fields and administrators have the option to restrict access to admin only.

  • Group Custom Fields - Establish fields to gather extra information specific to groups, expanding data beyond the standard platform fields (e.g., fundraising efforts, account numbers, etc.).

  • Event Form Custom Fields - Create fields to gather additional information when Officers create events, filling the gaps not covered by existing platform fields (e.g. programming model, alcohol at the event, etc.).

Custom Values

Customize specific fields and labels throughout the platform. The following Custom Values are just a few of the most commonly customized values:

  • Account Types - Each user can only be assigned one Account Type. These are used to determine the user experience and how that user type will behave within the platform (e.g., Student, Staff, Faculty, Alumni, etc.).

  • Group Types - Groups can only be assigned one Group Type (e.g., Registered Organization, Greek Life, Club Sports, Department, etc.). These are used to assign processes and permissions, such as a group registration process or an event approval process.

  • Event Types - Each event can only be assigned one Event Type and it is a required field. These types are used to classify events and are used for filtering purposes for both students and administrators.

  • Officer Positions - When a user is assigned to be an officer of a group, they also have a position assigned to them (e.g. President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Advisor, etc.). Each officer can only have one position, however, there is also the option to set up additional Officer Administrative Roles to provide officers with additional tags (e.g. Financial Signatory, Travel Signatory, etc.).


All your users listed in one central searchable directory. Allow them to complete their profiles, search for users with similar interests and connect.


Compose beautiful emails and send them to targeted lists of recipients. Track open and click rates. Create or re-use email & newsletter templates.


Create simple meetings or advanced events. Publish them on a centralized calendar. Organize registrations, ticket sales and much more.

  • Parent Event - The main, overarching event for other events in the platform (e.g. Parent and Family Weekend, New Student Orientation, and Conferences). When attaching events to a Parent Event, the user will see the parent event with an agenda listing the events associated with it. The users will have the opportunity to register for each event individually. Only the Parent Event shows up on the calendar.

  • Event Template - Create a campus-wide or group specific event template that can be used when creating an event.

  • Attendance Tracking - Track attendance at all your events through a computer, kiosk, self check-in QR code, or the CampusGroups mobile app.


Feeds and Channels are one of the many ways to communicate within the system.

  • Community Feed - A constantly updated feed of all collected posts from different Group Channels. Only posts the user has access to will be displayed here. The Community Feed also includes a sub-menu of Community Channels managed by Administrators that every user is included in.

  • Community Channels - Located in the Community Feed Dropdown, Community Channels are channels that every user has access to. These are commonly used for announcements or to communicate with other users in the system (e.g. Lost & Found, School Announcements, Looking for a Roommate, etc.). Community Channels are optional to use, can be limited to who can post and are managed by site administrators.

  • Group Channels - Customized by the officers of each group, Group channels are used to communicate with your members. Only members can access these channels and who can post in the channels is determined by the group officers. Group channels can either be public (everyone in the group can see the channel) or private (only selected group members can see the channel).


Store important group documents, photos and more. Restrict access rights on each folder to only those who should be able to access the content.

Forms & Surveys

Create surveys with all kinds of questions, pages, skip logics, and send them to a targeted list of members. Organize elections, polls and collect data.

  • Workflow - Approval of forms with a multi-step process where multiple teams can approve of the form. Workflows can be tied to any Approval Process as well in order to dynamically approve registrations, events and payments.


Incentivize and track engagement of users and groups within the system. Use completion rules to automate how Badges and Points are assigned.

  • Badges - Recognize users and groups with a digital representation of skills and achievements within the system. Badges display on the user profile and can be connected to a LinkedIn profile.

  • Points - Assign Points to users and groups for completing tasks within the system. Points are a fun way for users to see their engagement and achievements within the system. Users and groups can see their progress on the leaderboard.


Individual communities within CampusGroups for each club, organization, departments, community partners and more. Each group has their own page and ability to manage membership/rosters, promote and track programs, communicate, and share resources.

  • Group Page - A group’s dashboard for their members where they can communicate with each other and view members, events, forms, newsletters and much more.

  • Collect Users - Activate this setting to automatically add users to your group based on their Account Type, Year of Graduation, and User Tags.

  • Collect Officers - Activate this setting to collect all current group officers from other groups in the system into one group (e.g. Officer Resources group).

  • Group Acronym - A unique identifier for each group. This group ID is primarily used for uploads and can be letters and numbers only with no spaces or special characters.


Keep your campus engaged on the go with mobile apps customized for your student engagement goals.

  • Community Hub - Create a landing page for your users that serves as a one-stop-shop on both a mobile and web experience. This portal serves as a one-stop-shop that directs users to essential campus resources such as academic systems, student services, important forms and upcoming events. Upgrade its functionality by creating multiple hubs, including partitioned hubs tailored to specific account types and user tags, allowing you to target information to specific audiences.

  • Event Hub - Develop a dedicated mobile app and web platform specifically designed for orientations, conferences, multi-day events, and large gatherings. Provide attendees with a dedicated space to socialize and access all necessary event information, enhancing their overall event experience.

Inventory Management System

Allow groups to organize their inventory and track their items and resources. Check items in and out manually or through the use of QR codes.


Connect your students to available opportunities for buying, selling and renting within the community.

Meeting Scheduler

Automate meeting scheduling with CampusGroups. Display your available time slots for anyone on campus to easily book. The Meetings page updates automatically when someone books a time slot and synchronizes with Office 365 or Google Calendar. Integrates with Zoom to automatically create a meeting link once a meeting is scheduled.


Create customized analytics reports to track member engagement across all group activities, including events, membership, users and more.

Service Hours

Allow students to find service opportunities and track hours for inclusion on the co-curricular transcript. Students can explore designated service opportunities and register to participate.

  • Co-Curricular Transcript - Allow students to track involvement including memberships, leadership positions, event attendance, and more. Generate a document to showcase their achievements.


Sell items online, track sales and manager inventory. Students can open the store, make a selection, and then pay with their credit card, PayPal account, or school account.


Create custom categories to assign to users, events, groups and more. The following Tags are just a few of the most commonly customized tags:

  • User Tags - Each user can be assigned multiple user tags. These tags allow you to create categories to assign to users for reporting, emailing, and filtering purposes. (e.g., class year, academic program, housing assignments, demographic information, etc.). Each tag can be set to be accessible to either Admins only or not.

  • Group Category Tags - These tags allow you to create categories to assign to groups for searching, reporting, emailing, and filtering purposes. (e.g., Social, Arts, Philanthropic, Leadership, Academic, Living Learning Community, etc.). Groups can have multiple categories assigned to them.

  • Admin Group Tags - These allow administrators to tag groups on the administrative side (e.g., On Probation, Approved for Travel, Waiver Required, etc.).

  • Event Tags - Similar to Event Types, Event Tags are used for categorization and searching purposes for both students and Administrators. However, an event can hold multiple tags. Additionally, each tag can be set to be accessible to Admins only or not.

  • Interest Tags - Allow users to select their favorite interests to display on their profile. These tags are seen by all users and can be filtered within the Directory to connect with other users. Created by school administrators to overwrite the default values.

  • Sport Tags - Allow users to select their favorite sports to display on their profile. These tags are seen by all users and can be filtered within the Directory to connect with other users. Created by school administrators to overwrite the default values.

  • Career Tags- Allow users to select their career interests to display on their profile. These tags are seen by all users and can be filtered within the Directory to connect with other users. Created by school administrators to overwrite the default values.

  • Member Tags - Used by officers to manage their members and assign them into categories. Members cannot see the tags they have been assigned.

  • Sub-Group Tag - Used by members to join sub-groups within the group. Members have the ability to assign this tag to themself.

Tracks & Checklists

Guide your members through to-do lists and pathways to provide a more intentional engagement and learning experience.

  • Track - Create a custom curriculum and assign users to complete the requirements. The Track is the overarching theme that can consist of multiple checklists. Tracks are a great way to connect with users to enrich an outside-of-the-classroom experience.

  • Checklist - Hosted on its own or as part of a theme, checklists are the sections of activities or knowledge that will host action items that users will be able to progress through for credit.

User Onboarding

Create a branded onboarding experience for new and existing users. Guide users through a step-by-step series of questions to customize their experience and collect the data you need when a user logs in.


Anyone who has an account on the platform. Each User is assigned a specific Account Type in which their level of access to the system can be limited. These users can also be assigned Tags to further categorize and filter by users.

  • Admin - A full site administrator who has access to manage the overall platform from a front and back-end perspective. Each Admin can have different customized levels of access.

  • Guest - A User with limited access to the system, as set by the Administrators.

  • Member - Members are active users that are part of a club, organization, department, or other type of group. Members can access the group page but are unable to manage the group to send emails, create events, edit settings and other Officer abilities.

  • Officer - Members of a group who have access to managing their group. An Officer can be a President, Treasurer, Advisor or any other custom position. Officers can send emails, create events, manage group settings and much more.

  • Contact - Users of a group who have very restricted access compared to a member (e.g. they do not have access to the group page). Users become contacts by registering to a public event by the sponsored group or by being added by an officer. Contacts are most often used as a way to communicate with non-members through emails or newsletters.

Virtual Fair

Increase student engagement online by designing your Virtual Fair. Help students learn about co-curricular activities and get involved from a virtual setting.


An easy-to-use drag and drop website that can be customized by group officers and pull in dynamic content.

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