Implementation FAQ

Implementation FAQ

How long does it take to implement CampusGroups?

Typically, it takes about 8 to 10 weeks to complete an implementation. The duration of an implementation may vary depending on several factors, including what you would like ready for launch, your team's capacity and what integrations you need set up. The setup of integrations is usually the main obstacle, and some integrations may take longer than others to configure.

If you are on a tight deadline, we recommend a phased approach that will include just launching the priorities during Phase 1 (e.g. groups, events, email, mobile app, feed, etc.) and launching additional features post-launch during Phase 2 (e.g. budgeting, tracks and checklists, service hours, etc.).

Ultimately, how long it takes to launch CampusGroups is up to you!

Who should be involved with implementation?

You can find a list of who should be on each implementation call by navigating to the Client Journey. That being said, we recommend forming a core implementation team of 2-5 staff members to oversee and manage launching the platform. This core team should attend every training call. We recommend including the following on some or all of the calls:

  • Student Affairs/Activities representative(s)

  • Project Manager(s)

  • IT representative(s) - It is important for technical folks to be included in the kick-off call, first training session, and any technical calls with our development team.

  • Marketing representative(s) - If Marketing is involved in implementation, they are specifically helpful for the kick-off call, first training session and fourth training session as these sessions will cover a lot of branding and customization options. This team may also be involved with promoting the platform to students.

  • Student Leader/Ambassador(s) - We occasionally see a student representative (often from Student Government) involved with implementation as they will be heavily involved in the platform and help to create buy-in.

How are we trained and how much 'homework' will be given to us?

All of the tasks that need to be completed for a successful launch can be found the Implementation Checklist within your portal. The checklist is designed to be completed in 4 stages, and each stage includes less than an hour of tutorial videos to watch. As you review each item on the checklist, your team can get started on configuring the corresponding task in your platform. This will help you get hands-on experience within the platform and will ensure that you're able to apply what you have learned.

Once you have reviewed all the resources in a given stage of the checklist, you will schedule a working session with your Implementation Manager to discuss any questions you might have and to work through setting up your platform.The working session is an opportunity to get personalized guidance on implementing the platform, and to ensure that all necessary configurations are in place.

The amount of time that your team needs to invest in setting up the platform differs based on the size and scope of the implementation for your campus, making it challenging to provide a specific recommendation. Nonetheless, we suggest dedicating a minimum of 5 hours on each stage of the implementations Checklist, apart from the technical aspects. Several of these tasks will already have been started during the sessions with your Implementation Manager. Once all the items on the checklist have been completed, you will be ready to launch the platform.

When should we schedule the check-in calls?

We typically recommend having one check-in call per week to allow time for working on tasks in between calls.

You have the option of scheduling all your calls in advance or scheduling them as you go, depending on what works best for your campus. If your campus has a strict deadline for launching the platform, scheduling all calls in advance can be helpful because it keeps you on track to complete tasks and reserves time on calendars in advance. On the other hand, scheduling as you go provides more flexibility to work around busy schedules and work on the platform at your own pace.

Regardless of which scheduling option you choose, it's essential to review all the resources in each stage before attending a check-in call with your Implementation Manager. This will help ensure that you are prepared to discuss any questions or issues during the call and that the implementation process runs smoothly.

When should we plan to launch the platform to our students?

It is up to you! If possible, we do recommend a "soft launch" to a small group of students or groups ahead of your full launch. That being said, we recommend considering these important milestones to aim for:

  • Beginning of semester

  • Group Registration and Re-Registration

  • Traditions

  • Orientation

  • Large campus-wide events/activities

  • Student Leadership Retreat

  • Virtual Involvement Fair

What data should we migrate from our current system?

If you're wondering what data to migrate from your current system to CampusGroups, we suggest visiting our Data Migration page. There, you'll find a comprehensive list of data fields that are commonly migrated to CampusGroups, along with detailed descriptions and example upload files. This resource can help you determine which data is relevant to your needs and ensure that the migration process is as smooth as possible.

What kind of support can we expect during and after the implementation of CampusGroups?

Our team is here to support you every step of the way and you can expect to receive support during and after the implementation process. Once your implementation is complete, your Client Success Manager (CSM) will serve as your main point of contact moving forward. This consultant will be available to provide ongoing support and guidance as needed.

In addition to your CSM, you can contact our Support team by going to the Client Support Portal or emailing support@campusgroups.com. This team is available to help you with any technical issues or questions that you may have.

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