Goal ?
Give students a tool to manage their library loans !
How ?
The library section is divided into two tabs: loans and reservations.
In the loans tab you can find the following items:
The name of the book.
The subtitle of the book.
The name of the author.
The place of borrowing.
The return date with the number of days left before the end of the loan.
The button to renew the loan.
A colorimetry in line with the status of the return (red if the book has not been returned on time, green if there is enough time left, orange if the due date is close or imminent).
The loans page of the Library section.
In the reservations tab you can find the following items :
The name of the book.
The subtitle of the book.
The name of the author.
The place of borrowing.
The availability status of the book.
The availability date.
A colorimetry according to the availability status (green if it is available, light orange if it is available until a certain date, dark orange if it is on hold, red if it is already unavailable).
Reservation tab of the library section.
Implementation related to the ALMA API connection: to have access to this functionality, you need to use the service and execute the following procedure (link) to give AppScho access to your API.
Concerns the private part of the application.