News feed
Goal ?
Give a communication tool to students or to your interactive services like a social network allowing them to follow the news !
How ?
Manageable directly from a dedicated back-office, the news feed is a feature tool that you can customize to your needs.
From the site, you can write and moderate publications. Independent from Connect, users with accounts created on the news feed back-office will be able to write/moderate on the chosen channels.
The Back-Office part
The organization of the functionality is done by creating different channels that you choose. You can then add moderators and/or editors (one person can very well moderate and/or edit publications on several channels). You can associate Audiences/types of users to the different channels you have created.
The user list:
It lists all users who have access to the administration/editing/moderation of publications. Only administrators can manage this list.
The necessary data for the users are the following:
A name
A first name
An email address
A password (defined by the user)
A type: administrator, moderator or editor
A list of channels on which he has rights (permissions related to the type)
The app part
The publications posted include the following :
A title.
A date and time of publication.
A subtitle.
Text formatted as you wish.
An image (optional).
The number of likes on the publication.
Links (optional).
Publications cannot exceed 1000 characters. Beyond 250 characters, the publication will display a drop-down arrow to enlarge the publication.
Users can filter publications by channel with the button at the top right, they can also unsubscribe.