Creating an App Store Connect access
This document describes the process to give access to developer resources and to allow AppScho to publish your school app.
The App Store Connect access will give rights to AppScho to publish alpha and beta versions of your app through TestFlight, and to publish the final app on the App Store for your students.
The Developer access (tied to the App Store Connect access) will authorize AppScho to manage your certificates and provisioning profiles of your app, which AppScho needs to publish alpha, beta and final releases of your app to the public.
Creating an App Store Connect access
Go to your App Store Connect account in the Users and access.
Click the (+) button next to User and Access to add a new App Store Connect user.
Fill in the following fields
First name : App Store
Last name: AppScho
Email :
In the role list, select App Manager and Sales. Tick the Access to certificates, identifiers and profils box.
Click on the Invite button to confirm.