Gain Insights with Health and Wellness Dashboard

Gain Insights with Health and Wellness Dashboard

The Health & Wellness dashboard shows you, at a glance, how Ready Education's Contact Trace platform is facilitating your school's safe return to campus.

With it, you can visualize trends in COVID-19 cases on campus, learn how students are engaging with Health & Wellness forms, and see what locations on campus are getting high amounts of student traffic. Plus, get an overview of critical data, and shortcuts to easily drill in for details.

** Contact your Campus Success Consultant to enable Contact Trace Plus: cs@readyeducation.com

The features described in this article are for Contact Trace and Contact Trace Plus customers.

This article focuses on:

Today's Summary

At the top of the Health and Wellness Dashboard, the Today's Summary section shows a series of cards with data for the present day. There are shortcuts to view detailed data or download it for further analysis.

Figure 1: Today's Summary, showing the Audiences filter (top right), the Overview section, and the Daily Completion section with the Forms filter. 

The Audiences filter (at the top of Today's Summary) lets you see a subset of Health and Wellness data. You can filter by any audience (list of users) to show data only for students who are part of that audience. Or, you can filter by app experience to show only data for people using the app, such as students, staff, faculty, etc.

Within the Overview section:

  • Students Protected: This is the number of cases with Clear status in the database

  • New Reports: The number of cases that are currently self-reported. The Review Reports button redirects you to Manage Cases, with a filter pre-selected to show Self-Reported cases

  • New Exposures: The number of cases that are currently Exposed. The Send Message button launches the Exposure Notification feature, with the Exposed message template pre-populated. With one click, you can send this message to all users whose case status is Exposed

Within the Daily Completion section: 

  • Daily Form Not Completed: This is the number of unique app users who have not completed any form today

  • Daily Form Completed: The number of users who have completed a form today

  • Never Completed Form: The number of users who have never used the campus app to complete any form

Health Trends

Further down the Health & Wellness dashboard, the Health Trends graphs provide information about COVID-19 cases over time, as well as information about who is completing forms, and who is checking into locations using the app's QR code scanner.

Two filters at the top of Health Trends let you see a subset of data:

  • Filter by date range to show trends within a specific period of time

  • Filter by audience to show data only for students who are part of that audience. Or, filter by app experience to show only data for people who are using the app as students, staff, faculty, etc.

The filters work together, so if you set a value in both filters, both will be applied to the data displayed. Values you select in these filters affect all the graphs and data displayed in Health Trends

Case Overview

Case Overview is a graph showing the total number of cases in the Contact Trace system. If you have created custom case statuses (see Create a Case Status), they will appear on this graph.

The graph shows the number of cases, for each case status, in the date range you select, limited to the audience you select. By pointing the cursor at different points on the graph, you can see details of the number of cases on any date. A pop-up shows the case count for each of the different statuses. 


Figure 2: The Case Overview, showing the Date and Audience filter (top right)

A legend to the left of the graph shows the list of active cases. Only active case statuses are shown on this graph. If a case status is deleted, it does not show on the graph. By pointing at a case status in the legend, you can highlight the line on the graph and follow the trend.
A download button lets you download a comma-separated value (CSV) file with details of the cases currently shown on the graph. Personal information in the downloaded file can be protected by the Privacy setting. For more information, see Privacy, below.

Form Completion

Form Completion shows the number of students who have engaged with a form (created in Manage Forms, and shared in the app or on the web). This section of the dashboard is affected by the Date and Audience filters at the top of Health Trends.

One more filter, the Forms filter, lets you further refine the data shown in the graph: you can show data for one, many, or all forms. The forms filter affects the data shown in Form Completion.

Figure 3: The Form Completion section of the dashboard. Note the Forms filter (top right).

After applying filters, the Trends graph shows the number of users who have engaged with forms, either by viewing (opening the form and not submitting a result), or by completing (viewing the form right through the end, and submitting a result). As with the Case Overview graph, by pointing the cursor at different points on the graph, you can see the number of form views and completions on any date.

A download button  next to "Form Completion" lets you download a CSV file showing all users who have accessed forms, either in the Campus Guide or by web. The CSV file contains names, email addresses, and student IDs of the students who have accessed forms. The user’s case ID is shown as well. 

The Sources section of this graph gives information about how users are accessing forms you have shared:

  • Campus Guide tile: This is the total count of users who access a form using Campus Guide 

  • Web Form: This is the total count of users who access a form using the shareable web link 

These numbers are broken down into how many students have viewed a form, and how many have completed and submitted a form. The number to the left (not in parentheses) is the number of form views. The number to the right (in parentheses) is the number of form completions. 

Figure 4: The Sources section of Form Completion shows how many users have accessed a form using the Campus Guide or a web link. The number to the left (not in parentheses) is the number of form views. The number to the right (in parentheses) is the number of form completions. 

Two more buttons allow you to download data about forms, specifically broken down by source. Any personal information accessible in this section of the dashboard can be protected by the Privacy setting. For more information, see Privacy, below.

QR Code

At the bottom of the dashboard, the QR Code section shows how many users have scanned a QR code to check in at locations around campus.

Figure 5: The QR Code section, showing the Status filter and QR Code filter (both top right)

As discussed above, this section of the dashboard is affected by the Date and Audience filters at the top of Health Trends. Two more filters allow you to further refine the data shown in QR Codes:

  • QR Code filter: You can show data for one or many QR Codes

  • Status filter: You can show data for users having only a particular case status

These filters affect the data shown in the graph and in the section labeled “Top Traffic.”

After applying filters, the QR Code graph shows the number of people who scanned into that location, and when. The top three hours with the most traffic are highlighted in red. Hovering over each bar shows the number of visits within that hour block. 

A download button  lets you download a CSV file showing who has checked into locations. Information in the downloaded file is affected by the filters you select. You can see who has checked into any location you select with the location filter, with their check-in and check-out times. You can also see if they checked into the location using the campus app, or using a web kiosk. We also record a student's case status at the time they checked in.

At the top of the QR Code graph are numbers showing the total number of visits, within the values specified by filters. This number is broken down into unique visits (students who visited a location only once) and repeat visits (students who visited a location more than once). 

Top Traffic shows the top QR codes according to the number of students that scanned into that location. For these five locations, you can see:

  • Total Visits: The number of users who have scanned into that location, within the values specified by the filters.

  • Peak Hourly Traffic: The maximum number of users who scanned into that location in any particular 60-minute period.

You can sort by either Total Visits or Peak Hourly Traffic -- this can affect the QR codes that are displayed in the list. 

Any personal information accessible in this section of the dashboard can be protected by the Privacy setting. For more information, see Privacy, below.


The privacy feature replaces a student's personal identifiable information (name and email address) with an anonymous Health Identifier throughout Contact Trace. You can use Privacy to protect the personally identifiable information contained in the Health & Wellness dashboard. For example, you can ensure that no one can access the names and email addresses of students, nor information about their whereabouts.

For more information, see Protect Student Information with Privacy.

Roles and Permissions

To access the Health & Wellness dashboard:

  • You need to have the Contact Trace Health Dashboard permission in Team Settings

  • To send messages directly from the dashboard, you need the Notifications permission

Remember, the information contained in the Health Dashboard is affected by a user's privacy settings:

  • If privacy is on for a user, they will not be able to see any personal identifiable information anywhere in the dashboard

  • If privacy is off for a user, they will be able to see students' names and email addresses

Submit a request at Ready Education Help Center for more information. 


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