Overview of Contact Trace Plus

Overview of Contact Trace Plus

Contact Trace Plus provides a suite of tools you can use to reopen campus and manage student Cases of COVID-19 safely. Contact Trace Plus is a comprehensive solution for your campus to support reopening during the pandemic.

Contact Trace Plus is a preventative, Case Management and contact tracing solution for COVID-19. Contact Trace Plus lets you implement an end-to-end contact tracing workflow with health assessment and anonymous contact tracing.

This article focuses on:

** Contact your Campus Success Consultant to enable Contact Trace Plus: cs@readyeducation.com

Set Up Health Screening With Forms

Forms let you ask specific questions to students, gather their responses, and make decisions based on the form responses. For example, you can set up a pre-screening form that is used to update a student’s Campus Pass based on their form inputs. This Campus Pass let student's know whether they are allowed to be on campus and what conditions apply.  Students can use the campus app to review information they have submitted gathered in forms. This information is also available in Campus Cloud in an anonymized form for case managers to view and use to manage Cases of COVID-19 on campus. You can then use this information to manage Cases of COVID-19 on campus. 

For more information, see Health Screening Forms.

Figure 1. Forms

Instrument Your Campus With QR Codes

QR codes identify physical locations on campus such as buildings, libraries, etc. Students scan QR codes with the campus app to record that they are in a particular place at a particular time. If you learn about a positive Case of COVID-19 on campus, you can determine where and when the person was on campus and who they were in contact with. 

For more information, see Location Tracking with QR Codes.

Figure 1. QR Codes

Manage Cases of COVID-19

Contact Trace Plus lets you see students’ answers to forms, such as the Daily Pre-Screening and Symptom Tracker. You can also see who checked into QR codes and when. This information is anonymized to protect student privacy. 

You can see an overview of all Cases and the status of each. You can take action on a group of Cases based on their status, or you can follow up with students individually based on the status of their Cases. For more information, see Track and Manage Cases on your campus.

Figure 3. Cases

Send Exposure Notifications

You can use Exposure Notifications to notify any students who have come into contact with a Confirmed Case. You can also filter the Cases by status and send instructions to users, either individually, or by sending a message to all users with a certain status. 

For more information, see Send Exposure Notifications.

Figure 4. Exposure Notifications

To learn more:

Should you have any questions, please contact us.

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