Custom Email Domain

Custom Email Domain

By default, all emails within the system will display as coming from mailer@campusgroups.com.

You may want to set up a custom email address from which email notifications via CampusGroups get sent.

This can be set up using a domain or a sub-domain that is owned by your institution.

You have two options when configuring a custom email:

  1. Email Sub-Domain:

If you will be using an email address which uses the sub-domain used as your Custom CampusGroups URL, such as hello@activities.campus.edu, all we require is the email address you would like to use. Additionally, to help prevent emails from being marked as Spam we recommend Allow listing our mail server IP addresses. These can be found in our Help Center Article on Using SMTP Allow Listing.

For example, if your CampusGroups custom URL is activities.campus.edu, then you would follow the steps above to set up your custom email as hello@activities.campus.edu.

  1. Email Domain:

If you will be using an email address for your campus domain e.g. hello@campus.edu, the following steps are required on your end:

  1. To help prevent emails from being marked as Spam we recommend Allow listing our mail server IP addresses. These can be found in our Help Center Article on Using SMTP Allow Listing.

  2. Update the SPF record to also add include:[campuscode].campusgroups.com in addition to your existing values [NOTE: Ask your Support Specialist, Implementation Consultant or Client Success Manager for your campus code]

  3. Add a TXT record for icbrufyectjir._domainkey.[campusEmailDomain without @] e.g. icbrufyectjir._domainkey.campus.edu which be used for DKIM and must have the following content (depending on the DNS software you may have to split the content into two part by enclosing each part in double quotation marks, for example, the value for "long_string" will be split into "long_" and "string"):

v=DKIM1; h=rsa-sha256; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwIuqy5hn+BIHyhx7jv9CvD+gn8SBfzW4U83QWoX/CoTMpfp1kEaW/W16vte/rfhu2dLmFNdGlbtIcPsm+Y4JRIOT/YLNf5te+VY6CUuSYPLGb9N+IlHu06s7GOFcDiRv/CmvcrriIa71rykyc4UTbATkUfa8zS5/f6xnQWF08lv/ujslh7r+2HRl4R0Rs4OMTY7LVOf4VnN2gnGw8UNV0nt29ton2aaPFFoHNvDA8tbgMF6yAUO8nLuYzn0GbwFGusdR/SwZepZ7lHCedOgguQUPH/EfjBQmS71pwJ+zjfDQG34yLhXHSEs152apGEsm8/WjsOwJwoVZ5GUZww+wkwIDAQAB

Email integrations@readyeducation.com to provide your desired custom email domain/sub-domain, along with confirmation that you have completed the configuration below.

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