Data Migration

Data Migration

There are many different data sets that can be imported to CampusGroups from other systems. The most common data points campuses want to import include:

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Members and Officers

  • Events (including Event listings and Attendance records)


Before you lose access to your previous platform, we recommend pulling as much data out as you can. Here are some of the reports that we recommend pulling from other systems:

  • All Users (you may want to get a clean list from SIS/Registrar)

  • Organization Directory/Groups

  • Membership/Involved Users

  • Events and Attendance

  • Group forms, documents, photos, service hours, etc.

User Imports

Each user has a profile that can be edited and imported into the system. Each of these fields can be limited so that the field is viewable and editable by the user or not (Admin > Settings > Field Permissions). In addition to the profile, there are two fields that are important to set up before uploading users. These fields are used to classify and categorize users:

Account Types: Each user can only be assigned one Account Type. These are used to determine the user experience and how that user type will behave within the platform (e.g., Student, Staff, Faculty, Alumni, etc.). To customize Account Types, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Settings > Custom Values > Account Types.

User Tags: Each user can be assigned multiple User Tags. These tags allow you to create categories to assign to users for reporting, emailing, and filtering purposes. (e.g., class year, academic program, housing assignments, demographic information, etc.). Each tag can be set to be accessible to either Admins only or not. To customize Admin Tags, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Settings > Tags > User Tags.

Once you have created these fields, you can begin the process of uploading users. Users can either be imported manually or through an automated process, such as API or SFTP.

To manually upload users, navigate to Admin > Users > Upload Users. Please take a look at our User Import Example File.


Group Imports

Whether you are a club, organization or department, you are classified as a Group within our platform. Each group can be classified in three ways:

Group Types: Groups can only be assigned one Group Type (e.g., Registered Organization, Greek Life, Club Sports, Department, etc.). These are used to assign processes and permissions, such as a group registration process or an event approval process. To customize the Group Types, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Settings > Custom Values > Group Types.

Group Category Tags: These tags allow you to create categories to assign to groups for searching, reporting, emailing, and filtering purposes. (e.g., Social, Arts, Philanthropic, Leadership, Academic, Living Learning Community, etc.). Groups can have multiple categories assigned to them. To customize Group Category Tags, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Settings > Tags > Group Category Tags.

Admin Group Tags: These allow administrators to tag groups on the administrative side (e.g., On Probation, Approved for Travel, Waiver Required, etc.). To customize Admin Group Tags, navigate to Admin > Settings > General Settings > Tags > Admin Group Tags.

Once these custom values and tags are created within the platform, you can navigate to Admin > Groups > Upload Groups to import your groups into the platform.

Please take a look at our Group Import Example File.


Member and Officer Imports

When adding members to a group, each member can be classified as just a member or an officer of the group. You can also add Contacts to a group - these are individuals who are not full members, but can still be added to receive communications from the group. All officers of a group will have backend access to the group and the ability to manage the group (edit group settings, send emails, create events, manage budgets, etc.). Before adding members, it is important to customize the Officer Positions:

Officer Position: When a user is assigned to be an officer of a group, they also have a position assigned to them (e.g. President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Advisor, etc.). To customize the list of default positions, navigate to Admin > Settings > Custom Values > Officer Position. Each officer can only have one position, however, there is also the option to set up additional Officer Administrative Roles to provide officers with additional tags (e.g. Financial Signatory, Travel Signatory, etc.). To customize these tags, please reach out to your Client Success Manager (CSM) or Implementation Specialist so this feature can be enabled for you.

Once you have customized the Officer Positions, you can navigate to Admin > Groups > Upload Members to upload your group rosters.

Please take a look at our Members and Officers Import Example File.


Event Imports

Each event within the system has fields that are used to classify and categorize the event. Before importing events and attendance records, it is important to customize the following fields:

Event Types: Each event can only be assigned one Event Type and it is a required field. These types are used to classify events and are used for filtering purposes for both students and administrators. To customize these types, navigate to Admin > Settings > Custom Values > Event Types.

Event Tags: Similar to Event Types, Event Tags are used for categorization and searching purposes for both students and Administrators. However, an event can hold multiple tags. Additionally, each tag can be set to be accessible to Admins only or not. To customize these tags, navigate to Admin > Settings > Tags > Event Types.

Once you have customized these Event Fields, you can navigate to Admin > Events > Upload Events to upload your events. If you are looking to bulk upload Attendance into your events, please reach out to your CSA or Implementation Specialist as this upload needs to be done by a member of our team.

Please take a look at our Event Import Example File and Attendance Import Example File.

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