

You may use the CampusGroups CreateUpdateUser API endpoint to create, update and deactivate user records as needed. This is usually the recommended option as it offers the most flexibility.

The API will try and match users based on the data that is provided in the following fields: netid3, netid2, netid, email (as a default, please refer to your API documentation for the exact list).

If a match is found using one of these values the user record will be updated, otherwise a new record will be created. The API will only update profile fields for which you provide data, letting you perform partial updates if necessary.
Please refer to the API documentation on your CampusGroups instance under Admin > More > API for additional information on how to use the API.

Questions regarding the API can be directed to your Campus Success Manager, Implementation Consultant or to integrations@readyeducation.com.

Review this article: How to automate user provisioning

Adding and removing User Tags through API

  • Adding User tags through the API uses the <user_tags> endpoint under the CreateUpdateUser method.

  • This endpoint takes the Name value of a tag passed as a comma separated list (e.g. Scholar Athlete, Academic Council, Greek) and will add new tags, or replace existing tags applied to the User.

  • User Tags can be cleared as a whole by passing [[CLEAR]] as the value for the <user_tags> endpoint.

Updating User Tags through API

  • Appending and deleting specific User Tags requires the addition of the <keep_existing_user_tags> endpoint with a value of 1 passed.

  • This endpoint will change the default functionality of the <user_tags> endpoint from Overwrite to Append allowing new tags to be added or old tags to be deleted without changing the entire list.

  • New Tags can be added as new comma separated values using the tags Name.

  • Tags can be deleted by adding the [DELETE] prefix in front of the name of the tag

    • The structure should look similar to:

      • <keep_existing_user_tags>1</keep_existing_user_tags

      • <user_tags>TagToAdd,[DELETE]TagToRemove</user_tags>

        • This would take the current list of tags for this user, add a tag named TagToAdd, and delete the tag named TagToRemove.


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