Group Registration and Re-Registration
The Group Registration approval process empowers new administrators to review and approve requests for new groups, while the Group Re-Registration approval process facilitates the review and approval of requests to reactivate existing groups.
Whether an end-user is setting up a New Group Registration or Re-Registering a group, both processes go through three steps:
Step 1 - Dynamic Group Information: Users submits information about their group that dynamically updates their group settings and group page (e.g. Mission, Constitution, Officers, etc.)
Step 2 - Supplemental Group Information: User clicks Next and submits a supplemental form that is customized by Admins to ask the additional questions that are required by your campus
Step 3 - Group Approval: Group is approved with either a Simple Approval or a Workflow Approval
We recommend using a Workflow Approval
Group Registration
Click on Admin
Click on the Settings dropdown and select Approval Processes
Click Create Process or edit an existing process
After clicking create process, select Group Registration
Complete the following fields:
Select the Group Types to which this approval process will apply
Choose Yes to activate the group registration
Select the supplemental Form/Survey that should be tied to the group registration
While all approval processes must be tied to a supplemental form, you can leave this blank for now if you have not yet created your form
Select the Registration Form Fields that should be optional and required
Enter the Required Number of Officers to start a new group and a Number of Optional Officers
Select the Required Officer Position(s)
Enter a Required Number of Members
Once the Supplemental Form is connected to the Approval Process, be sure to connect a Workflow to the Supplemental Form if you are using a multi-step approval process
Group Re-Registration
Click on Admin
Click on the Settings dropdown and select Approval Processes
Click Create Process or edit an existing process
After clicking create process, select Group Re-Registration
Complete the same field as the Group Registration process as well as these additional settings:
Officers can only be changed through a re-registration process
Officers' access to their group should be blocked until the group has been completely re-registered
Officers' access to their group should be blocked until they’ve submitted the re-registration form
Re-registration should be open to non-officers
Pending officers should be approved
Once the Supplemental Form is connected to the Approval Process, be sure to connect a Workflow to the Supplemental Form if you are using a multi-step approval process
Re-registration allows only one submission on behalf of the group.
Once a re-registration form is submitted, there is no option for another Officer to submit it (unless the original submission is rejected).
Also note: the system will not allow any user to complete the form outside of a re-registration process.
Please contact with any questions.