Registering a New Group

Registering a New Group

Got an idea for a new club or organization? Ready to bring your idea to life on campus? Creating a new group is an exciting way to connect with like-minded individuals and make a lasting impact. If your group already exists, be sure to check out how to re-register your group. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of registering a new group.

Every campus has a different requirements and deadlines for registering a new group - if you do not see the option to register a new group, please contact your campus administrator

This feature allows students to send a group Registration request.

  1. Click on the Groups dropdown and select All Groups

  2. Click on the registration option for your type of group

  3. Fill out the required Group Registration Details

  4. Once submitted, your group registration will then be reviewed by your platform Administrators who will then Approve, Deny or ask you to make changes to your submission

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.


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