Stripe Payment Gateway Integration

Stripe Payment Gateway Integration

To configure your platform to use Stripe to process transactions:

  • Under Admin > Settings > Finance change the Payment Gateway to "stripe" (usually done by a CampusGroups team member)

  • Save

  • A link labeled "Click here to configure your account" will appear below the payment gateway, click on it

  • This will open a page with a button to connect to your Stripe account

  • Click on it and follow Stripe's instructions to connect your account.
    If you do not have a Stripe complete the form on Stripe's website to create one.
    If you already have an account click on the login link near the top instead.

  • Once you complete this form/login you will be taken back to CampusGroups and your account will be ready to process payments

Addendum: Using multiple bank accounts with a single Stripe account

If you need to use multiple bank accounts for some reasons, please note that there are some limitations to take into account:

  • Stripe does indicate in their documentation that they can support multiple bank accounts connected to a single Stripe account

  • Connecting a bank account to a Stripe account requires direct access to said Stripe account and as such one of your Stripe account administrators would have to connect the bank accounts manually

  • Automatic payouts in Stripe can only be configured towards a single account (per currency)

  • The CampusGroups platform is not involved in the payout process which occurs entirely between Stripe and you

  • The CampusGroups platform adds metadata for each transaction in Stripe which may be used to differentiate between the different "target" bank accounts

Now for what a solution would look like with the limitations I have highlighted in bold in mind:

Automatic payouts in Stripe can only be configured towards a single account (per currency)

Since automatic payouts cannot be made to send to multiple accounts this would mean that you would have to switch to manual payouts. Once this is done payouts can either be processed manually by your administrators or automatically through the use of the API. You would therefore have two options from there:

  1. Option A would be for you to process payouts manually on a regular basis. This would require "finance" people on your end to pull reports from Stripe, marshal them into a usable form to determine what amount to transfer to each bank account (using Excel for instance) and then manually go into Stripe and create the relevant payouts. 

  2. Option B would be for you to integrate with the Stripe API to pull data from their systems, marshal it into a usable form to determine what amount to transfer to each bank account (using code this time) and then automatically trigger the payouts using the Stripe API.

Option A requires less upfront investment on your end but would be more time consuming for the people involved in the payout process. Option B would require upfront development work on your end but would not require manual intervention from finance people to process the payouts.

Connecting a bank account to a Stripe account requires direct access to said Stripe account and as such one of your Stripe account administrators would have to connect the bank accounts manually

This process is likely to be time consuming and a potential solution would be for each group to use their own Stripe account. This is supported on the CampusGroups platform directly and would allow each group to handle its Stripe account directly. This would however require additional work on the group officers' end since Stripe would require them to be compliant with the local legislation and processes which you would have handled in their place otherwise. This would also mean that you would not have visibility into the group Stripe account directly (you would however still have visibility into the transactions that go through CampusGroups through CampusGroups reports).

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