Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT)

Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT)

The Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) allows students to track involvement including memberships, leadership positions, event attendance, and more. Here, you can customize your transcript and generate a document to showcase your achievements.

Customizing Your CCT

  1. Navigate to the Home page

  2. Select My Activity

  3. Select My Co-Curricular Transcript

    homepage of Demo platform. select my activities on left menu bar and my co-curricular transcript
  4. Click the Edit toggle to customize what displays on your CCT

    example view of user involvement record
  5. Here, the following sections will automatically display on the CCT, however, you can add notes and edit visibility

    • Group Membership

    • Officer Positions

    • Event Attendance

    • Service Hours

    • Checklist Completion 

    • Self-reported Experiences

  6. Click Share to save your CCT as a pdf and share a link to your CCT

Creating Experiences on your CCT

The Experience feature allow users to self-report additional experiences to report and track on your Co-Curricular Transcript. To add experiences that do not fall within an existing experience type (e.g., off-campus event, certification, awards), you can self-report those by these following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Home page

  2. Select My Activity

  3. Select My Co-Curricular Transcript

  4. Click Edit

    example view of user involvement record
  5. Navigate to the Experience section and click Edit

  6. Click on the Add Experience button

    example of how to edit and add user experience to involvement record
  7. Configure the experience details

    completing field for experience
  8. Click Save

Customizing the CCT Template

Admins have the ability to customize the CCT template, allowing you to tailor its appearance and branding to align with your preferences and naming conventions. Follow the steps below to edit your CCT template:

  1. Navigate to the Admin section

  2. Click on the Settings dropdown and select General Settings

  3. Select the co-Curricular Transcript tab

  4. Customize the template



Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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