

You may also upload flat-files in .xls, .xlsx or .csv format through a custom SFTP directory to create and update user records.

Configuration Requirements

Provide the following items via email to integrations@readyeducation.com.

For SFTP automation we will require the following from your IT team:

  • The SSH public key you plan on using (which must be a RSA key in the form of "ssh-rsa [KEY]")

  • Optional but recommended for added security: the IP addresses that the connections to the SFTP servers may be coming from

Once you provide this information, our Integrations team will provision the SFTP server for you, and will provide you with the following SFTP access information:

  • hostname

  • username

  • the folder in which the .xls, .xslx or .csv files should be uploaded to.

The password will be the private key from your SSH key pair. For more information on how to generate an SSH key pair, refer to this article.

SFTP Data Import Process

  • An automated job will run on a daily basis starting at 7am ET to parse all of the files that have been uploaded and process them.

  • The uploaded flat files should match the structure of the users upload template available under Admin > Users > Upload Users (including the header row which is required). This file can also be referenced here: User Import Example File.

  • The process will try and match users based on the data that is provided in the following fields: netid3, netid2, netid, email. If a match is found using one of these values the user record will be updated, otherwise a new record will be created.

  • The process will only update profile fields for which data is present in the flat file for the given record; i.e. you can omit data for fields which should not be updated or for which you do not have the data.

  • The following fields are required: email, first name, last name, account type.

  • Note: If you are uploading CSV files via SFTP, you will need to nest any fields with numbers only (such as NetIDs) in double quotes ("000012345") to prevent incorrect processing of the values when the data is being imported.

Adding and removing User Tags through SFTP

  • Adding User Tags through SFTP is similar to adding tags using the Manual User Upload Process. User Tags passed through the upload file for SFTP must be encapsulated in “”s (e.g. “Scholar Athlete, Academic Council, Greek”).

  • Tags can be explicitly deleted using the [DELETE] prefix in front of the specific tag to remove. (e.g. [DELETE]TagToRemove, or “[DELETE]Scholar Athlete, Academic Council, [DELETE]Greek” to remove multiple tags)

  • Adding and deleting User Tags can be in the same file expressed as “[DELETE]Scholar Athlete, Academic Council, [DELETE]Greek, Residence Assistant”

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