Adding New Users

Adding New Users

Discover how admins can add users manually or through bulk uploads, including profile pictures. Whether you are starting fresh or expanding, this guide will help you get your users into the system.

Manually Adding Users

  1. Navigate to Admin > Users

  2. Click Add Users

  3. Add all new users

  4. Check the box if you would like to notify all new users and click on Submit to add


Adding New Users Through Bulk Upload

While it is possible to automate the process of upload users through an API or SPTP, you can also bulk upload users manually through a flat file.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Users > Upload Users

  2. Download the Excel template and follow the instructions to fill it out correctly.

Be sure to always use the most recent template file and to keep the same file name and format. Moving columns or renaming the file will cause issues when re-uploading.

  1. Once finished, upload the Excel file and preview it

  2. Check the box if you would like to notify all new users

  3. Click Upload


Adding Profile Pictures Through Upload

While users can upload their profile picture, School Administrators can mass upload profile photos directly into the users' accounts either manually or through use of a FTPS server.

To prevent users from changing their profile photo, please update the Field Permissions to make the profile photo Read-Only

Manual Upload

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Upload Pictures

  2. Under Name type, select through which profile field users will be identified. You can choose to overwrite existing pictures with the dedicated checkbox.

  3. Select files to upload.

Automatic Upload Through a FTPS Server

User profile pictures can be uploaded through a FTPS server. Images uploaded in the photos folder in said FTPS server will automatically be processed on a daily basis at around 7AM EST in production. Contact your Client Success Manager if interested.

The uploaded files must be named [netid].jpg (where [netid] is the netid registered on the user account on the platform) following these guidelines:

  • The uploaded photos must be JPEG files. Other formats are not supported.

  • The uploaded photos should ideally have a resolution of 320 by 320. Other resolution will result in automated cropping and scaling which could degrade the quality of the images.

  • The uploaded photos should be as small as possible since they will count towards your data storage cap though this mainly exists to prevent abuse and is very rarely reached. We do not enforce a maximum size per photo.

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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