Automatically Collect Users and Officers to a Group

Automatically Collect Users and Officers to a Group

Experience seamless group management with the powerful Collect Users function. This feature automates user additions to your group based User Tags, Account Types and Graduation Years. Say goodbye to manual processes – let the system effortlessly organize and add users, ensuring your group is always up-to-date and tailored to your specifications.

Works great with the automation of user uploads through an API or SFTP

  1. Manage your group

  2. Navigate to Admin > Dashboard > Settings > Advanced (Admin Only)

  3. Set Collect Users to Yes and select which type of users should be automatically added to the groups

  4. Click Save

New users will be added every 24 hours.

Pro Tip! Scroll down and utilize the Collect Officers feature to automatically gather officers of a specific Group Type into one centralized group. Perfect for creating an Officer Toolkit group, streamlining communication, and providing resources effortlessly.

​Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.

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