Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Site Administrators have the capability to enhance data collection within the system by creating additional fields. These fields can be effortlessly integrated into the system through uploads or manual entries. There are three distinct types of Custom Fields available:

  • User Custom Fields: Generate fields to capture supplementary information about users that is not a part of the default user profile (e.g., t-shirt sizes, demographics, extension numbers, etc.). Users can input data into these fields and administrators have the option to restrict access to admin only.

  • Group Custom Fields: Establish fields to gather extra information specific to groups, expanding data beyond the standard platform fields (e.g., fundraising efforts, account numbers, etc.).

  • Event Form Custom Fields: Create fields to gather additional information when Officers create events, filling the gaps not covered by existing platform fields (e.g. programming model, alcohol at the event, etc.).

Follow these steps to get your Custom Fields set up:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Custom Fields

  2. Choose User Custom Fields, Group Custom Fields, or Event Form Custom Fields

  3. Click on Create Custom Field

  4. Populate the form details to create the Custom Field

  5. click Submit

If you are looking to add Custom fields through an upload, simply add the name of the newly created Custom Field at the end of the template.

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions.