Requesting Budgets and Payments as a Group

Requesting Budgets and Payments as a Group

As an Officer of a Group who is using the Money Module, you have the ability to streamline your budgeting and allocations processes. In this guide, we will give you an overview of how to do so whether you are using a Simple Budget, Advanced Budget or Group Funds.

Please note that each campus has customized their Budget Process differently and you may not see all of the options available.

Which type of Budget am I using?

To find our which type of Budget you are using, navigate to your Accounting Book which is found in the Money tab.

  • An Advanced Budget is easily recognizable on the dashboard as it will always be hyperlinked.

    In an Advanced Budget, groups initiate the process by making a Budget Request. This request includes detailed line items with associated amounts. After the budget request is approved and moved into the Payments Stage, groups gain the ability to request payments specifically tied to the approved line items.

  • A Simple Budget will not be hyperlinked on the dashboard. Unlike Advanced Budgets, in a Simple Budget, groups do not request funds with detailed line items with associated amounts. Instead, groups receive a total amount of funds allocated for a specific timeframe. Payment requests can then be made directly from this total allocated amount.

  • Group Funds are used in conjunction with Simple and Advanced Budgets. However, the source of Group Funds are generated by the group (ticket revenue, fundraising, sponsorship, etc.).

Navigating an Advanced Budget

  1. The first step in an Advanced Budget is to request your Budgets by navigating to Money > Accounting Book > Select your Advanced Budget

  2. Click Create Budget Request

    • You must be in a Budget Submission or Rolling stage in order to Create Budget Requests

  3. Complete Step 1 of the Budget Request Process

  4. Complete Step 2 of the Budget Request Process

  5. Complete the Supplementary Form attached to the Budget Request Process

  6. After an Admin has approved of your line items and has moved into a Payments or Rolling stage, you can begin to Request Payment

  7. Click Request Payment on each individual line item

  8. Set how much money you are requesting from your approved Allocated Amount and how much you are requesting from your Group Funds (if applicable)

  9. Complete the Supplementary Form and click Submit

Navigating a Simple Budget

  1. Navigate to Money > Accounting Book > Create Payment Request

  2. Select the Simple Budget you would like to make a Payment Request from

  3. Complete the required fields and be sure to set how much you would like to request from your total Allocated Amount and how much you are requesting from your Group Funds (if applicable)

  4. Complete the Supplementary Form and click Submit

Please contact support@campusgroups.com with any questions

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